
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Passing the Torch: Chief Editor Turnover

Over the last few months, the View crew has opened up to allow a group of new folks to see what it would be like to work as editors for the beloved publication. Jason “Aeston” made clear that there was some intention that this might result in a turnover of editorial positions, specifically the chief editor position. Recently he made an announcement:

“We’ve been working together as a group for the last couple months and I feel like this crew is ready to take over the View without my hand-holding.

I’d like to create a triumvirate with the chief editor position. These three people represent diverse areas within the Realms and I think will work well together bouncing off one another and supporting one another. I’d like Dani “Elizah”, Ethan “Jean C'est Magnifique Try Baptise”, and Kieran/Kyra “Omri”  to be the three in charge of the whole deal.”

We will be working together to provide the content you all love and follow in the footsteps of Jen “Areni” as chief editor of the View from Valehaven.

We are still determining who’s taking on the role of editor and who will be staying on with us as editor.

We are grateful to this community and to the View from Valehaven for this opportunity.