
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Humanizing the Realms: Ethan “Jean Baptise” Goldman


1. What do you do outside of the game? What would you like to be doing? (Work, school, projects, etc.)

Plastics Engineering!

2. What hobbies do you enjoy other than LARP?

I GM a few games on discord. 

3. Favorite meal, dessert, and drink?

Pho, Flan, and Kombucha. 

4. If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be? Would you bring anyone?

Knottsberry Farms maybe? I havent thought about it.

5. Are you working on any life goals that you’re willing to share?

There are a few but I keep putting them on the backburner for some OTHER thing or so. In this moment, I am happy, and I can't ask for much more.

6. Favorite outfit other than garb?

Um waaaaaaaay back when I got a nuka cola t-shirt thats moth eaten to hell and back but they don’t make anything like it these days anymore. 

7. Do you have any professional or personal skills you’d be willing to talk about?

I can write.  

8. What drew you to the realms, and what keeps you there?

That’s a story and a half. I was brought into the realms by Vawn and Duncan as part of a attempt to drum up publicity for the LARP club through selling cider. I am the only one who remembers the event which is how life goes. At the time I got kicked from some other dnd groups for not fitting in and needed a reason to go outside.

I stay since the skills you have transfers better in this game to actual results then in most games, where its very sheet focused.

9. Favorite movies/shows/books?

South Park and Cursed Princess Club.

10. If you happened upon 3 wishes, what would they be? (Wishing for more wishes doesn’t seem to work...)

Time and Energy, all you need. 3rd one i’d save in case nuclear war happens or something.

11. Who would you like to see interviewed next?


12. Anything else you’d like to add? 


If you'd like to do one of these interviews, send Dani Lacasse (lilpotatogem on Discord) a message to let her know!