
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Strange Papers Found in Rhiassa

Hello people of the Realms,

There has been so much traffic across the Vanfrost these few months that I am sure the rumor has reached many of you that it was necessary to halt Norlund-bound travel for a time last week due to a strange incident. 

I've been informed that members of a well known merchant caravan were found deceased having just traveled back across the gateway from Midgard. The circumstances of their death are still being investigated but it is clear it was not from any kind of danger we are familiar with.

On their persons were some strange papers, torn asunder as if through a struggle. We've collected what we can find of these papers and assembled them for you to take a look at, as we know many of you are planning to travel to Norlund in a few days to heed our friend Ulric's pleas for aid.

I hope anything you are able to find within them will be of aid to you,


Lord Sir Aeston Stromgate

[click here to see all the papers]

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