
Friday, April 19, 2024

Word from the West - Echoes of Ragnarok: The Conclusion

Written by: Brookelyn "Rowan" Gingras & Nixon "Jasper" Showalter

(The following document was recovered by our ally adventurers fighting on the Western Flank in the land of Norlund.)


Name of Offender:                                                Commanding Officer:

Ibnade-Yigol Pholdri, Infantry Cadet                        Dathon Perthi, Mounted War Captain

Date of Incident:                                                  Nature of Violation:

4/13/1024                                                         Insubordination

Details of Occurence:

On the 13th of April during our second stand against the intruders, Cadet Pholdri and I attempted to recruit another dinosaur mount for our army. Though it was land-bound, as opposed to the pterodactyls the officers were riding, my underlings continued to request mounts of their own. We encountered a riderless dinosaur working with the intruders that they referred to as “Alpacasaurus”. This creature repeatedly collapsed dead on the ground, providing ample opportunity to approach and capture it. I was feeling generous and allowed Pholdri to attempt to tame their own mount, and by the time I went to check on them again they were successfully riding their own dinosaur. I would be lying if I did not say I was proud. However, Pholdri’s actions following this feat were extremely disappointing. While I was hoping to reward them with the mount for good behavior, it was my mistake to think they could handle the pressure of handling their own dinosaur. Atop their commandeered Alpacasaurus, Pholdri began to collude with the intruders, winning their affection and breaking through their lines. I was hoping that they would begin using their mount to make a surprise attack on the enemy, however I quickly realized that Pholdri had betrayed us. As much as I tried to convince them to turn against their new friends, the traitor had seemingly forgotten that they must listen to their superior. As I ordered them to slay the foes around them, the intruders attempted to convince Pholdri to kill me instead, and their pleas were not going unheard. While demonstrating how easily my underlings could be turned against me, this insubordination enabled the intruders to further progress through the maze of webs. Alas, I fear our alliance with the Huntsman has been strained due to the failure in our mission to create the new spirit of Yggdrasil, and furthermore the loss of one of the rare Megaspiders essential to our supply of spider milk. Reports from the western flank informed us that it was the same Alpacasaurus who absconded with the missing Megaspider - yet another consequence that may have been avoided if not for Cadet Pholdri’s actions.

Expected Improvement:

Cadet Pholdri must improve their ability to follow orders and respect the chain of command. From here on out, they may not be rewarded with a personal mount until they have proven they can handle the responsibility. If Pholdri fails to demonstrate improvement, they will be denied opportunities to advance in their position and will not be entrusted with further assignments.

Offender Statement:

I sincerely regret my actions which questioned my allegiance to my fellow soldiers, no matter how much fun the temptation was. I tamed Alpacasaurus with the full intent to use the enemies’ trust against them, but found myself unprepared against the foreign adventurers’ enticement to join in their jovial antics. I will not make the same mistake again.

Riding atop Alpacasaurus was the most joyous moment of what I now realize is my dreary life. Give me whatever punishment you deem fit, but I’ll be damned if I don’t make the same decision of fun over obedience again at the nearest opportunity.

No regrets - You only live once.

Cadet Ibnade-Yigol Pholdri