
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Word from the West - Feast of Chimeron XXIX Day Quest

Written by: Dan "N" Hudon

Aftermath Report: The Overgrowth Incident

In a small village near the site of the 29th Annual Feast of Chimeron, the rapid growth and animation of a forest led to great peril for its inhabitants. Those in attendance of the feast were thankfully able to deal with the issue, which we refer to as the "Overgrowth Incident", but the area must still recover from its effects.

As the sun rose over the Realms the day after the feast, a large amount of severed vines cluttered the village, many withered by a mysterious power.

We spoke with a local, who had this to say:

"I'm glad they can't grab me anymore, those things were terrible! My house is covered in them, but at least they're dead. I've been researching vine-based recipes - vine burgers, vine stew, vine salad, vine wine… they were kind of chewy at first, but they're growing on me. Maybe I can open a restaurant… Ooh, I can call it Vine and Dine!"

Upon surveying the forest, ecologists have noticed a conspicuous decrease in moss populations, in contrast to the unbridled growth caused to other species by the incident. The lichen population has expanded and filled in the niche, with reports of the word "lichen!" echoing through the forest. They will continue monitoring the local ecosystem to see how these changes affect the wildlife.

In other news, a gathering of tree ents has assembled outside the village to protest the use of wood as a building material, declaring it "inhumane" and "an affront to our species". Despite violence breaking out earlier during the incident, recent protests have remained peaceful as the ents have grown less bold after the death of their leader, the "Growverlord". There are rumors of an upcoming summit between remaining members of the movement and village elders. The tree ents declined a request to comment.

We also spoke with an elderly man who has lived in the area for many years, introducing himself as "Herm the Hermit". He had this to say:

"Those darn trees, causin' a ruckus ever since they pulled their roots outta the ground and started walkin' about. They stole my peg leg, the nerve! I've had Peggy since I was fifteen years old! Lost my leg in an accident, and we didn't have any of that fancy healin' magic around, we had to make do! Now I can't imagine life without 'er! Some of them youngsters from the other day tried to heal my leg too, but I wouldn't let that happen - I didn't need no magic before, and I don't need it now! They got my Peggy back for me though, so gotta give them some credit, even if some 'a them were sympathizin' with the trees a bit."

Tensions are high, but the immediate danger has passed, and hopefully things will return to normal in the coming weeks.