
Friday, June 28, 2024

What You Missed - The Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival III

Written by: Nataliya "Shader" Kostenko

The day started on a high with a set of beautiful, incredible, wonderful tournaments run by someone very cool. The weather, though, was far from cool. All the tournament participants fought valiantly through the heat and humidity–especially Sir Kaelkatar, who ran around smiting enemy-team-kobolds (like a maniac) despite the temperature. I greatly appreciate everyone who participated, even though they lost two of my orbs. After tournaments and a much-needed water break, lunch was served from the Rhiassa kitchen. Ser Gwen’s cooking never disappoints, and this festival was no exception. Lunch included pinwheel sandwiches and watermelon, served with a very tasty blueberry yogurt dip. Up next, Sir Aeston ran the exciting new event–Dinosaur Jousting! Participants got to do two rounds of dino mounted activities–the ring joust (where you try to collect rings on your lance) and the tilt (AKA actual stabby-stab jousting). The rings and shields for these activities incorporated magnets in what I thought was a rather innovative design. Sir Orion found a dino-based activity that went much better for him than dino racing–he dominated both segments of the joust. Though, if we are awarding any points for dressage, I think Rowan would absolutely win the day with her most noble of steeds. After the jousting we ate more yummy food, including some excellent antipasto and caprese skewers. As everyone ate and relaxed, some pesky water elementals snuck in and started an epic water missile fight; it was especially enjoyed by the youngest adventurers, but also definitely by some older ones. Meanwhile the top-notch kitchen staff served another round of excellent eats–chili, buffalo, and curry fries.

Probably because we mocked the heavens with our water fight, a torrential downpour then started up. This unfortunately derailed some of the afternoon’s scheduled content (Huntress practice woefully included), as we all huddled under the pavilion. At least we still had excellent snacks to keep our spirits high. Ashenmark spent some of this time discussing our potential war plans for the upcoming campaign against the Risen Kingdom with Orion. When the rain let up, questing content resumed. I’m sure every team ran some very interesting stuff, but I can only speak to the two encounters I saw unfold. First, an opportunity arose for adventurers to learn about the mysterious Apostles of the End (which, Imma be real, I don’t know anything about). This involved following a certain treasure-hungry explorer into a vault. The party sent by the Realms was able to defeat some icky corrupted dredges. They were also clever enough to solve some riddles posed to them by a magical key, granting them access to the vault. Inside lurked some fireball-throwing squids and hopefully(?) the information they sought. I’m not too sure. Either way, it was a daring vault heist. Second, an Aquarian emissary needed some help making peace(?) Embracing nature(?) Once again, I’m not too sure tbh. All I know is that it was a very salty adventure. Salt water, salt golems, and a leech who got fed some of that salt directly from Ryu’s bloodstream. Slurp, slurp. Oh, there was also a nature spirit who said “like” a lot and had the mighty Realms adventurers help her clean sticks up off the forest floor. The adventurers did do this successfully, but the whole endeavor won’t be complete for a while. Luckily Raynor was on hand to invite the Aquarian emissary to the autumn Ashenbounty feast, hopefully granting adventurers the chance to finish what they started there. 

The day ended with dinner and dessert. Flights of fancy tacos, customized for each individual with a wide array of choices for ingredients. Then adorable, bite-sized pies for a final sweet treat. While eating dessert, everyone took turns spinning the prize wheel and making themselves wealthier (if luck was on their side). A great way to end the day–by accruing wealth to spend at future festivals. Future festivals that I will certainly be looking forward to!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Why I Want to Go - All Hail the Gloom Father

Written by: Bri "Margaret" Meisser and Kieran/Kyra "Omri" Barry

The Dreaming is in turmoil. Soultaker sucks at his job, and Orlando has taken off to another dimension. So it is up to us to pick up the pieces. There will be perilous quests, challenging decisions, and with any luck, a better, more stable reality on the other side of it all.

But before we can do all that. On Friday a promise is kept and a curse undone. Robin Goodfellow, who cannot be trusted no matter what he says, has trapped an angel inside of a wand. I will be looking for help to venture inside and get her out before it's too late.

Speaking of Robin. He's throwing a party for his master. There will be games and tournaments and prizes. I don't trust him and want to crash it. What could possibly go wrong?

There's an invasion on its way to The Dreaming. Soultaker is too weak to repel it. So we have a choice. To free or to bind. What will be the fate of the Gloom Father? That's for us to decide.

Until next time,

Squire Margaret August, Lightbringer


I had an amazing time at The Spaces Inbetween and am super excited for its sequel. This quest should be easy for people to pick up, with secrets and easter eggs for those of us who know where to look.

The event team has also been working really hard to make this event accessible for people, including via a new accessibility marshal which I'm incredibly excited about. It can be difficult for those of us with disabilities to engage in questing content at times, so I'm super thankful for all the work they're doing in order to make this possible for us.

We also have JB and the Neden Zombie cleanup on Sunday, so there should be content for everyone to enjoy. I hope to see you there!


Last August after much confusion and turmoil there was a being who endeavored to enter our world by breaking it, so that they may slip through the cracks. Some of those cracks were mended, others cemented as new aspects of our reality. But our world was broken long before, allegedly, by The Champion, aka Orlando, son of Minerva goddess of dreaming, and Strathmore, a dragon. The one who grew to be The Champion was from an alternate reality. The one who brought him known as Lord/Lady of Change (for even their gender changes), one of seven. And with the disruption of their presence and bringing in another Orlando, not originally of this reality for the original was lost, the family was thrown into disarray. This family trauma led to them taking it out on LoC's sibling, Morpheus, Dream, Gloom Father (as The Champion insisted it be called). Dream has been imprisoned for some time. For me the focus is whether he is freed (I say yes) and then what effects this will have on the Dreaming, for the Dreaming as we know it is a product of The Champion's meddling.

Minerva and the Dream Demons, including Soul Taker, will oppose us. If Soul Taker remains in control the Dreaming may fall to Dionin. Make what decisions you feel are best. Know that I will be a listening ear and trying my best to help out. We all want what's best for the Realms.

Robin Goodfellow is a Meerkat of an alternate reality. He seeks chaos and revelry. Trust that, if nothing else. He serves LoC. Despite their actions, will they be enemies? Allies? Or something else... all remains to be seen. I anticipate finding out. He promises a time and a party to figure this all out. From last August, I anticipate a lot going on all at once.

Robin Goodfellow is also seeking help capturing wild fae from his reality who've entered our through a window in the woods. The aforementioned crack that became a door in the Dreaming that is now just a window. But it apparently is still letting people in and out. That may need to be closed before all is said and done. Reality Guilds of Coventry haven't dealt with it yet. Maybe it can be something that we use to make friends?

As Flamekeeper of the Order of the Lantern I beseech all who go to help me make sure all are on the same page. Relay information to me and I'll relay information to others, so I promise as Flamekeeper of the Order of the Lantern, and a new role we're trying out of Field Reporter. Stay safe, may your paths be lit (or shadowed as need be for stealth), and try not to lose your mind.

I've failed a few times myself.

-Omri, Flamekeeper of the Order of the Lantern, seeker of knowledge and understanding

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Crown

Written by Sarah “Evie Jainrose” Fournier

Feel emotions rise

Feel the footsteps on the shore

She brings in the tide                    

For you


Feel the fire flow                 

A magical night within the glow 

Putting on a show                       

For you

Oh, as you rise in your power

We’ve been waiting for it

Oh, the fateful hour

As Blackwood passes on the crown

Take your newfound plans

Only a king could understand

In this gorgeous land, for you

Feel the Gods here now

Always watching among the crowd

They will watch you lead, so true

Oh, as you rise in your power

We’ve been waiting for it

Oh, the fateful hour

As Blackwood passes on the crown                                               

Oh, as you rise in your power

We’ve been waiting for it

Oh, the fateful hour

As Blackwood passes on the crown

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Realmsle #18


This custom Wordle-adjacent-puzzle features a 5-letter word that is particularly relevant to the Realms.

If the embedded page isn't working below you can click this link to get to the puzzle.

Like regular Wordle you can copy your result's (but only if you follow the link), so paste them or a screenshot onto social media to let us know how you did. But no spoilers!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, June 21, 2024

What You Missed - Ascension of King Saegan

Written by: Sarah "Evie" Fournier 

Hello friends. The Ascension of King Saegan was a weekend of celebration, redemption, revelry, feasting, combat, and entertainment. Sounds fun, right? It was! Let me elaborate for you:

Friday Evening

On Friday night, Prince Saegan gathered the adventurers, and asked us to assist the spirit beasts of Blackwood. Simple enough! We wandered down the road to meet with a turtle named Tut Tut. He explained that Edaonae’s absence had led to the spirit beasts of Blackwood being corrupted, and we needed to redeem them.

Our first journey of the evening had us assisting a beast resembling a horse. To begin, we rappelled down a well, where we encountered slime monsters. As we fought through the murky water, we realized how disgusting these creatures were; they were passing diseases to the adventurers! Wiping out the slimes took a while, but once all of the adventurers made it onto dry ground, Karmha and Mistral were able to take out mobs of slimes by throwing lightning bolts into the water. Liselle discovered a horn at the bottom of the cavern, and returned it to the unibeast. To thank her, the beast granted Liselle unicorn powers.

Once we climbed out of the well, a few adventurers decided to make a purifying device with charcoal, sand, and gravel. Ryu and I rappelled back down the well to form a dam with the materials. Fern and Jericho did a great job dumping the components down the well to us, and I only got a little bit of sand in my eyes and lungs.

Next, we had to help a dragon that had been corrupted, its glorious final death stolen from it. It was a large, skeletal being, and it was very angry. It took a while, but once it was subdued, it underwent a beautiful transformation and the corruption faded away. It thanked us by granting Ryu some new dragon powers.

When we returned to Tut Tut for our next instructions, we were met by an owl frantically flying around. The spirits were in disarray and we needed to help! We entered what felt like a graveyard, with wayward spirits floating around. They were aggressively guarding pillars. The pillars required a sacrifice, so Aelias gave his own life and blood. I called his soul back to our plane, and when he rose again, he was thanked for his sacrifice with new powers from the Owl.

After helping Owl, we went back to Tut Tut, and he thanked Runaris by granting him turtle powers. Liselle, Ryu, Aelias, and Runaris made quite the formidable quartet as they had taken on qualities of the four beasts. But this was not the end. We needed to find the stag.

Off in the distance, we spotted it. A majestic, ethereal creature, sprinting at full speed across the fields. How would we catch it?

Alias of Chimeron seemed to make a connection to the stag spirit totem. Somehow, he caught up to it, and was able to communicate with it. As he spoke to the beast, the rest of the questing party held hands and created a circle around the stag, to keep it contained. Once the stag was subdued, we called out to Saegan, who made his spiritual bond with the beast. A successful evening!


On Saturday morning, people from all over the Realms journeyed into Blackwood to witness King Saegan’s coronation. The ceremony, conducted by Sir Tao, was short and sweet. The Knights of Blackwood formed a line, and passed the crown to the throne, where Nos, Tao, and Mathies placed it on Saegan’s head. The people of Blackwood pledged fealty to King Saegan, and he made vows of his own.

Seven courses were served throughout the day, with breaks between each course for adventurers to wander around the hall and outside. The courses included a charcuterie assortment, bread, soup, salad, entree, palate cleanser, and dessert. As the dishes were served, bards took the stage to entertain the hall. Ryu served as Jester for the evening, calling up each act and announcing each course. The bards for the evening were Ryu, Pilpus, Irri, Omri, Jean Baptiste, and myself.

Sir Pilpus and Initiate Irri put a lot of time and effort into creating an impactful bardic experience for this event. They hosted auditions and consulted with each bard to help them put on the best performance possible. Omri told the story of Edaonae’s sacrifice at Feast of Blackwood 1023. Jean Baptiste gave an educational and hilarious presentation on the provinces of Blackwood. Irri and Pilpus sang a gorgeous song called “An Ode to Kings' ', dedicated to Kerrel and Saegan, sharing some of the tales of their sacrifices and triumphs in the name of Blackwood. I sang a song called “The Crown '', written for King Saegan and the people of Blackwood about the excitement of welcoming a new King to the throne, and the hope that comes with it. I also joined Ryu in performing a parody song called “Saegan ''. It was masterfully rewritten by Ryu and Cressida, but unfortunately Cressida was unable to make it to the Ascension, so I filled in to perform at the last minute. It was an honor to sing for such a momentous occasion. Thank you Irri and Pilpus for featuring bards on this scale, and for making us all feel very appreciated.

Besides watching the performances, it felt like there was plenty to do throughout the day. People gathered around the bar, where Blackwood themed drinks were being served. Karmha set up a booth with an array of leather goods and trinkets for sale. Adventurers were given the opportunity to enter their name into a drawing to play Deal or No Deal with Sir Tao. Umbra’s name was pulled, and she walked away with a gold prize. There was also a massive auction table set up, with a variety of prizes. A blue sword and a blue amulet caught the eye of many adventurers. I often found myself enjoying the beautiful weather outside, and practicing swordsmanship with friends.

As the final course was served, Hedda heralded court. Gifts were presented to the newly crowned King Saegan, and some beautiful words of thanks and well wishes were shared. I hope Saegan likes booze because he got a lot of it! One of the gifts that stood out most to me was a gorgeous staff presented by the Cerulean Company.

Once gifts were presented, the court was opened up to other business. Lady Tarnisha of the Order of the Peacock took on Alias as her apprentice of crafting. Initiate Irri was welcomed as a full member of Blackwood. Sir Vesper took on Liana as a squire to the Knights of Blackwood, and the same order added two Knights to their ranks, Sir Eamon and Sir Rani. King Saegan announced that the Knights of Blackwood would have 3 leaders take on new positions to new chapters within the order. Ser Vesper would take on the Chapter of the Dragon, Sir Nos would take on the Order of the Unchained and Sir Elizah would take on the Chapter of the Owl. Sir Pilpus was deemed the King’s Rook to King Saegan, and finally, the Knights of the Eternal Flame welcomed Sir Elizah to their ranks. There were a lot of happy tears shed through court, and everyone smiled as Saegan declared it was time for festivity. Another ceremony began shortly after court; a wedding! Congratulations to Pilpus and my new sister-in-law Elizah!


On Sunday, the tournaments for Champion of Blackwood took place. Bones, Torolf, Pilpus, Vesper, Hedda, and myself participated in the challenges, which mostly consisted of intense combat. Some stand-out competitions included the bear pit, and the Fighter’s Chess game. After hours of fighting, a tie was announced between Vesper and Torolf. The two battled in a Duncan’s Challenge to determine the winner. Vesper emerged victorious, retaining his title.

To wrap the day, Vesper opened his shoothouse to all who wished to participate. His squire, Liana, and his son, a dragon wyrmling named Wriggles, had been captured by pesky kobolds. We needed to break into the shoothouse and rescue them! After dodging a bunch of magic missiles and running frantically around the dark building, I was able to break them out. Orion, however, made quite the impact, busting down the doors of the shoothouse and really showing those kobolds who’s boss! What a great way to end the weekend.

After the wonderful time I had this weekend, I’m certainly looking forward to my next journey into Blackwood. I hope I’ll see you there!


Archdruid Evitta Jainrose

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why I Want To Go - The Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival III

Written by: Justin "J'orsta" Thibeault

Why would J’ortsa want to go to the Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival? Well, it is not because the name is short, that is for sure. The real reason is because there are so many fun and interesting activities to enjoy! This one has heard that there will be excavations and dinosaur ridings, whatever a dinosaur could be, and food. The Rhiassan kitchen is well known for its many delicacies and J’ortsa is excited to see what they have in store. 

The Watchers are also planning on running a very exciting and interesting simulation for people to learn about summoning and what not to do. Watchmaster Baptiste has been hard at work designing this simulation and we look forward to unveiling it to the masses.

The Gidan Resistance will also be in attendance, and they will need our aid to finalize their war efforts. He has heard his friend discussing these engagements at length and hopes to see the Gidan Resistance meet their goal.

This one has yet to travel to a summer festival, so he is excited to venture out and see the sights and make some coin as he has set out to do. And he looks forward to seeing you all at the festival as well.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What You Missed - Ascension of King Saegan [Photos Edition]

Photos by: Dustin "Toah" Mack

The throne awaits

Blackwood historical corner

The passing of the crown

The new king

Revelry and merriment

Verglaz Axe Throwing 

Jean Baptise performed an amazing comedy set

Mix and mingling!

Omri telling an epic tale

🎶No one hits like Saegan, matches wits like Saegan🎶

Two Knights are sworn in

Current and former kings

A painting by Shader

Good ole borderlands wedding


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

An Ode to Kings

Written & Performed by: Ben "Pilpus" Lacasse & Emma "Irri" Sherman

Dmaj7 Bm

A soldier lost from home

G F#

With a weight on his heart

Emin Dsus4

All Banner's march south

C Bmaj

But a Shadow looms North

Am. Em

And Blood follows Blood until blood is spilled

C G F#

A soldier now a banner to cruelty and guilt


Though Gods and Time may try to write,


the end of our tale.


Our Truth is Unrelenting


We stand here still.


Xermarx is felled to Mace Aflame


In Brother's last will


A Kingdom born in sacrifice


To Blackwood

C7/E Em

To King Kerrel!

G, Cadd9, A7

D Dmaj7 Bm/D Bm7

An age of peace is born to one

G D/F# Em A

Soldier, Brother, King

D. Dmaj7 Bm/D Bm7

And in his light a people grow

G D/F# Em A

And prosper underneath

D Dmaj7 Bm/D Bm7

And in his shade a Righteous Stag

G D/F# Em A

On which for him to lean

                           D Dmaj Bm/D

Behind him his Soldier, Brother, Commander,




Beside them their people to lead.

Em Am

Obstructing their path, an ancient of Rage

Em Am

Akakios, Terror, Bane of Blade

G Bmaj

The King's call to action as friends fall to ash

D F#

The fate of the people on Stag's Antlers rest


Though Gods and Time may try to bring 


Our tale to an end.


Our Truth is Unrelenting


We shall not bend


With conquering strength, In fiery ring


The Stag alone stands


The Prince of Perserverance


To Blackwood

C7/E Em

To King Saegan

G, Cadd9, A7


And where this hopeful mortal's eye


Is bound to yon horizon


I ask the ears that hear my word


Allow my Muse their mind


My Muse, A prayer I sing for thee


My People, Land and King


That our Banner be your Beacon Star


As it is for me


For Whatever Hells yon' sunrise bring


We meet them Eagerly


As One, We break the waves of time


Until we Cease to be


To Gods and Time, I challenge thee


Bring what Wrath you can


Our Love is Our Reprisal 


For Blackwood

       Bmaj C#

For King Saegan

Click here to access the live performance.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, June 14, 2024

Humanizing the Realms: Ben “Sir Pilpus Jainrose” Lacasse

1. What do you do outside of the game? What would you like to be doing? (Work, school, projects, etc.)

I work in Proprietary Electronics. Slot Machines mostly right now, but in the past I have worked on everything from digital posters to Prison Phone systems. Pretty boring stuff, but it keeps my schedule flexible to do what I love with my free time!

2. What hobbies do you enjoy other than LARP?

I play music, I Run/Play 4 DnD games, I play Magic and occasionally paint a Warhammer mini or 2. I also play a pretty decent amount of assorted video games (mostly Roguelikes and WoW, though I like the rest of the world had a huge Baldur's Gate phase coming into this year)

3. Favorite meal, dessert, and drink?

For a meal, Ill take a medium rare Azorian Steak with Portuguese round fries topped with an egg. For dessert, I'm a fiend for brownies and apple crisp. As for a drink, you know I'm on that Chocolate/Coffee Milk train until I'm an ash dusting over Campbell Mountain.

4. If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be? Would you bring anyone?

I would really love to see The Swiss Alps. I'd bring my beautiful wife Danielle for the company and my brothers in arms Seamus and Jamie for the fishing trip of a life time in the clearest water known to mankind.

5. Are you working on any life goals that you’re willing to share?

My wife Dani is cooking up a beautiful baby girl and I am so excited to be a Dad come the Fall.  We just wrapped on our big basement refinishing process so we can turn my old office into a nursery- I cannot put in words how psyched I am.  

Other than that admittedly huge thing, my only goal is to make the upcoming Blackwood Events awesome, which I am also so stoked for <3

6. Favorite outfit other than garb?

Comfy Reebok Sweat Pants and my Striped Longsleeve shirt. I'm a Big man who desires comfort at all times. If I had to get fancy and my body was compliant in making me look fly- I like a red button up (french cuffs) with my celtic knot links, silver tie, black leather tap shoes and a black vests/blazer with my Kilt Pin as a bootiner. (Pilpus may be a nature guy, but Ben looks better in fancy looking metals)

7. Do you have any professional or personal skills you’d be willing to talk about?

I play a wide variety of instruments all at what I consider to be a (relatively) performance ready level. I started on Vocals and Drums as a 6 year old, Picked up bass by 8, Guitar in Middle School when I realized girls were not dating the rhythm section, and Piano sometime in Highschool when I was attempting to learn how to read music. I do my best to upkeep what skills I can across the board but it's a heavy workload with all the eventing we do. I love to combine my loves of the game and art wherever I can. That fusion regularly creates some of my favorite moments as Pilpus! I'm so excited for Ascension where I've been so privileged to assemble such a wide array of talented acts to perform alongside and coordinate for. If you love music in the Realms, you do not want to miss this #ad

8. What drew you to the realms, and what keeps you there?

I was enticed to the Realms by the promise of a fun weekend with my best friend Mike Z (Swoop) and at first for me the dorky get up and silly medieval shenanigans were just a convenient back drop for good company. As for what keeps me here? I grew up a not-well-off kid in a drug riddled city with a lot of at home issues. My prospects were pretty bleak when my finances couldn't hack College and Rent at the same time. The people in this game gave my young family a place to be safe when my life was shit. Talon, Boom and Booties took a chance on me when no one else in the working world would and they gave me a doorway to a better life by teaching me IRL skills (a trade really) and every career/life opportunity I've ever had since then can be traced back to the graciousness of a person in a tabard. I am in this game to pay that mentality forward. I want to be a hand someone can grab when they need a leg up in life. I want to give people the family this game gave me because frankly I don't really have other family. Even when the going gets rough, I owe it to this community to weather the storm and make good on all the benevolence I owe. Getting to test my mettle in an amazing boff-combat system is just an awesome added bonus that I love to participate in and build for.

9. Favorite movies/shows/books?

Movies: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Shows: Dimension 20

Books: As a child it was between Cirque Du Freak and The Demonata Chronicles both by Darren Shan, though for classics I'm a huge Mark Twain lover. As an adult I'm not a huge reader beyond short excerpts and cliff notes. My life is far to busy to sit down and read a whole book. For me who grew up without TV, as an adult I've been enthralled by all the digital media I missed out on growing up. When we bought our house, if you'd told me the purchase I'd be most glad I went with was the big TV over the fireplace I'd call you crazy, but it is the thing I regularly get the most use and enjoyment out of now. For me movies and shows just have something that I can never guarantee I find in books, and I don't know what that something is, but I'm about it.

10. If you happened upon 3 wishes, what would they be? (Wishing for more wishes doesn’t seem to work...)

1) My Own Eventsite 2) An Unbreakable Riding Lawnmower 3) An active Realms populace who wants to use my land to make amazing events/art/stories. So tired of getting site gouged or doing last minute booking scrambles that eat my whole bank account in one fell swoop. I would limbs IRL to never have to worry about shit like that ever again. Also, I'm not a big drinker, but something about getting to knock back a Woodchuck with your people around a warm fire at blue-o'clock after a night quest is just a feeling you can't bottle. Though I'm grateful for the spaces we have, the inability to do that at most sites that don't destroy your fiscal year for booking them is a frequently recurring bummer that I'd use my wish to eliminate forever and never regret doing so.

11. Who would you like to see interviewed next?

Ryan Welch is a cool dude. Not sure if you've already done My Lord Grandpappy Syruss O'Leary (Cal Marsden) but if not, I always love reading his articles!! Vesper's also a cool dude and people who don't get to know Matt Hewitt are missing out!

12. Anything else you’d like to add? 

Excited to be eventing with you all soon. Who knows when I'm PCing next, but whatever side I'm on, I'm just psyched to see you <3 Obligatory Ascension plug: Saegan rules and so does Forrester Royal House. Every contemporary in my nation who I respect is working hard to make this event a kick ass event for our friends throughout the Realms. We're all so excited to share it with you and I hope to see you there!

If you'd like to do one of these interviews, send Dani Lacasse (lilpotatogem on Discord) a message to let her know!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

What You Missed - Tournaments of Artemis XI

 Written by: Anna "Hedda" Hewitt, Maria "Liselle" Carr, & Sarah "Evie" Fournier

"The Tournaments of Artemis is a tournament designed to let the women and non-binary people of the realms take the lead on the field of battle with a variety of tournaments.  On this day, four Huntresses took up the challenge;  Hedda and Evitta led team Vater and Rowan and I led team Nature Related. Throughout the day, the huntresses got to show off their strategy and prowess both on and off the field from noncom trivia about women and non-binary people in the realms to combat tournaments like Huntressassin, Kill the Huntress, Danger Dice and Queen of the Tiny Hill.  It was a long grueling day and all the huntresses fought valiantly throughout. I am proud to have fought with the huntresses both by their side and against!  It was an amazing experience! Thank you to everyone who came out and fought with the huntresses!  You were all amazing!  I also want to thank everyone who marshaled and Huntresses Kiira, Shader, Elizah and Irri for putting this all together." 

- Liselle

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Why I Want To Go - Ascension of King Saegan

Written by: Kyra/Kieran "Omri" Barry

Coronations aren’t events that happen every year. Except when a coronation happened last year. Congratulations once again Shandar. But this article is about Saegan, and to an extent, Keith.

A celebration of a character’s progress in the game, which, regardless of one’s opinion about ooc vs ic, tends to reflect their role outside the game. Players feel comfortable having their characters follow someone they themselves have no problem following. Not that this is a direct parallel or reflection.

For as long as I have been playing, Saegan has been prince of Blackwood. I am excited to see him embark on this next step of his journey. Keith the player has been, equally as long for me, an asset to clan Riverhawk fight practices. He was the one who taught me how to wield a marn. He was also the one I turned to to play my main face npc when I ran my first quest at the Riverhawk Newbie Night Quest.

The event itself is looking to be a fantastic feast, in addition to some light questing. For the feast portion the sample menu presented by King K is a delectable delight. I found myself having a hard time choosing just one of any of the courses. Given that I have never been disappointed at a Blackwood event by the food, though that may be controversial in part due to Sir Matthias’s deviled eggs (sorry Sara), I am preparing my appetite for Saturday. 

I have heard there will be some spectacular featured performances as well. Wink wink nudge nudge. I can attest that the chosen performers, all from outside of Blackwood, are working hard preparing for the Realms’ entertainment. 

I hope you can join us for Saegan’s ascension into kinghood this weekend. It’s sure to be the talk of the ‘crown’.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hedda's Helping Hands Kitchen: Recipe #2

 Created by: Anna "Hedda" Hewitt 

Introducing a new series featuring handcrafted recipes directly from Hedda's kitchen brought straight to your table. From drinks, treats, sweets and more, Hedda's helping hands are sure to serve just what you're looking for!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, June 7, 2024

Rumors for June 1024

 [Across the Realms]

People of all ages have been whispering among themselves, claiming that they have been awakening from dreamless slumber, only to then catch glimpses of their old nightmares stalking nearby.  They swear they are awake at the time of these encounters.


Isolated reports describe strange creatures roaming about, such as what appear to be living plants, ghosts, oddly-dressed travelers and creatures of flame.

[Ashenmark/Rhiassa Border]

Two hunting parties were recently disturbed by a wave of wild, impish beings followed by a lumbering troll-like creature which wreaked havoc on the hunters’ encampments and injured all who did not flee in time.


Some hunters report the sounds of something, other than their own prey, being hunted in the forest.  One swears he saw a large flash of metal by a woman who turned into a raven the moment he spied her.


More and more villages have reconnected to main roads through to Blackavar City. Baron Kurt Gautier and his family have taken up residence in the Lord's residence in Blackavar City, and through strict rule seems to be keeping the city orderly.


The Woods of Eroewan are whispering “Saegan”.


Western Chimeron: An unseen creature is leaving a swath of withered crops in its wake, and appears to be moving slowly south, leaving behind large hoofprints.


Central Chimeron: A trade caravan arriving in Chimeron city reports that a couple of the massive waystones along The Crown’s Road have apparently gone missing without a trace. Navigation on the Road seems to be mostly unaffected because of the fair weather and long daylight hours; nonetheless, a prominent trade guild has voluntarily dispatched a few small patrols to the area.


Eastern Chimeron: Scholars at the Royal Academy for Military Science seem to be baffled and excited in equal measure about a recent discovery in the nearby archeological site. The halls of the academy are filled with chatter about ancient gemstones.

[Eagle’s Rook]

The three factions have supposedly met at a casual 'dinner' and finalized Terms of Civil War between Gutherevyn's base, the Fae of Avendroth, and the Knights of Eagle's Rook.


While low to no magic remains in Eagle's Rook, it has been rumored that those of a certain religious affiliation can find it easier to tap into magic than others. Alchemists and Herbalists, however, are relieved to find that even without magic, their potions, poisons, and strange brews still work.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Upgrading" Pocket Pikes - An Appeal

by Jason "Aeston" Rosa 

The concept of the "pocket pike" (sometimes called the sleeve pike) is not new. In fact, it's probably over a decade old, first conceived and implemented by Ashenmark. As soon as I experienced the original design, convinced of it's superior safety, I immediately made up three bamboo pikes that followed that schematic and for years used them at war events and questing events alike. Since that time, in 2018, the "pocket pike" design became Omnibus-mandatory for bamboo-core pikes, and rightly so.

Even though pocket-pikes are widely used, I believe they can be made to a higher safety standard to reduce the number of pike injuries that occur, especially at high intensity events. In order to help the Realms in that endeavor, Gilded Lion Ironworks will be producing pocket pike upgrade kits to help reach this elevated construction standard. 

First, a to-scale schematic of how a pocket pike is assembled using the Gilded Lion Ironworks Pocket Pike Kit

There are a couple things to highlight here that I believe are new "best practices" in safety without specifically being required by omnibus rules.

This section is mostly justification through arithmetic. Fair warning. 

TLDR at the end of the bullet points.

In all of these cases I am comparing the above schematic to a pike made to the minimum Omnibus standards which currently require: a 3" squish tip, a 1/4" thick foam disk, a 3" foam plug, and a 5" sleeve that starts beneath the foam disk (with no specific thickness requirement and not necessarily with the foam disk overlapping the sleeve by rule).

  • The squish tip is overall larger in all three dimensions. It is an inch longer than the Omnibus minimum and also extends out to an expanded profile just like the 1/2" camp foam disk (more on that below). This increases the surface area of the tip from just under 4 square inches to over 8 square inches. This increases the overall volume of the squish tip from about 29 cubic inches to over 57 cubic inches. That is a lot more padding to hit with and a lot more foam with which to absorb force.
  • The camp foam disk extends to the outer edge of the camp foam sleeve. This larger size foam disk increases the surface area (like above) from just under 4 square inches to over 8 square inches so the force that is transferred to the disk from the squish tip is distributed across a wider area.
  • The force, once transferred from the larger foam disk to the rest of the weapon, is then transferred to not just the foam plug and pipe foam but also to the entire sleeve. Just in calculating the 3 inches of pike below the camp foam disk, thats an increase in foam volume from about 29 cubic inches to about 47 cubic inches, which is significantly more foam to absorb that force.
  • More exactly, the percent of the force that is transferred specifically to the foam plug changes from 61% to a notably smaller 37%. This means less punishment to the weakest part of the weapon. 
  • Stress points are created whenever surfaces meet and can push against one another laterally. There is, of course, a stress point where the foam plug meets the bamboo and is a notorious known break-down point in any kind of weapon. There is a lesser stress point where the bottom edge of the camp foam sleeve meets the pipe foam. By making the camp foam sleeve 3" longer these two stress points are moved further away from one another increasing the overall durability of the entire weapon head. 
TLDR: Increasing the length and size of these pike tip components creates more surface area and volume to distribute the force and is therefore safer and more durable.

I should take a moment to point out that this voluntary new standard of pike safety isn't something that's come entirely out of the blue. When bamboo pikes were voted into the game in 2018 we made the best decisions we could, informed by experienced builders and fighters, to maximize their safety. In the years afterwards we've gathered much experiential data. The changes above, made via the consultation with several pike-users across the community, constitute the next logical step in safety design. It's been long enough since the implementation of these weapons that we examine critically how we can do better and make a change.

I think it would be unreasonable of me to insist that we all rebuild our pikes without providing some significant help to those who want to try. So the newly introduced Gilded Lion Ironworks is now producing a Gilded Lion Ironworks Pocket Pike Kit to help anyone who wants to upgrade their pike or build a new one to these standards!

All of the components of that kit can be seen below.

This kit will be provided at cost for anyone who wants to use it to create or upgrade one of their pikes, we are not seeking to make a profit on it.

Notably, with this kit, you will receive the following sticker.

Building or upgrading your pike with an unmodified Gilded Lion Ironworks Pocket Pike Kit will give you the right to place this sticker somewhere near the base of the foam on your weapon. This sticker is a marshaling tool that will be used by combat marshals for Queen of Hearts going forward.

Starting next year, in 2025, all pikes used at Queen of Hearts must conform to the higher safety standards achieved by the Gilded Lion Ironworks Pocket Pike Kit. It would be nice if pikers could try to achieve this goal by this summer's Queen of Hearts but we know that it is too close to reasonably require it of everyone.

This does NOT REQUIRE that you specifically use our kit to upgrade your pike. As long as you are reaching or exceeding the standards specified in this article you can create all your own components and then ask for your pike to be inspected to acquire one of the above stickers.

For THIS year's Queen of Hearts (2024) Kyle (Killian) and Paul (Grindin) have extremely graciously volunteered to build and bring a number of upgraded pocket pikes to the event for both teams to use, though their use will be strongly requested it will not be mandatory.

We know that the increased amount of and intensity of combat at Queen of Hearts leads to greater injuries overall, even if everyone is doing their best to be careful. The close quarters, fatigue, and emotions can combine in unfortunate ways. This elevated pike standard is an attempt at increasing overall safety with very little appreciable downside other than some labor and material costs.

Please reach out with any questions.

If you would like to secure a Gilded Lion Ironworks Pocket Pike Kit in the coming weeks, please let me know. We plan to start distributing them in June. They will be available at Rowan's Rarities (fine purveyor of Gilded Lion goods) in limited quantities so to secure more than one kit at a time it's probably best to reach out to me directly.

In service,