
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Why I Want To Go - Exotic Items, Creatures, & Wares 4

Written by: Adrian "Cronin" & Matt “Zula” Daviault

Once more my countrymen prepare themselves, to meet doom and destiny in the lands of Stonewood. A place that has welcomed adventurers for decades, in an intricate plot which continues to build upon the past while creating exciting opportunities for the future. I’ve brought many first time eventers to Stonewood in the past, all have carried grand stories home. Similarly Stonewood is a great place to return to if you’ve been taking time off from adventure and need to remember why we all do this in the first place.

Travis and his team are dedicated to their values and hold strong to them. Immersion, difficulty and excitement are paramount in their design but safe fighting and safe mechanics are just as important to them. They’ve had decades to balance their approach and the wisdom of experience shines through.

The Stonewood Pantheon is exciting to deal with because they often send their champions(or come themselves, though sometimes uh oh) to speak with adventurers in their lands. This gives non-seer folk the opportunity to interact directly with the gods. This is particularly great for fighters who often rely on casters or puzzles for all of their information which can make one feel disconnected at times.

My first Stonewood event was in 2017. It was in the aftermath of saving  that village from an undead invasion, that I formed the Broken Spears Free Company. Not long after, we joined Voraniss and they gave me “Azurewrath”, without even knowing how hooked I was on Stonewood plot. I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of battling against evil with it ever since.

I want to go because I know it will be hard but rewarding, and I will have the strength of the pack at my side. I want to go to support an event holding team I believe in. The wolves march north. Will you join us?


The Stonewood plot has been around for as long as I have. It is the one plot that raises the bar with story background and development of the lore. Great care and detail is taken with costuming and props are always well done. I highly recommend this event and the related plot to anyone who enjoys high stakes and challenging encounters. 

With so few questing events on the calendar, this is a must hit on my list. I cannot recommend this enough; you will not be disappointed. 

Grab your gear and come join us in the fight against a great evil.
