
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why I Want to Go - Rise of the Gi-sistance [Part 2]

Written by: Sean "Eamon" Finn

Fellow Adventurers,

        It has been some time since I last interacted with the Risen Kingdom, the last time being in 1018 (2018) When we wrested control of the portal between Gi and the Realms from the Risen Kingdom.

Since then much has happened in the Dreaming with Dreamliners (Dreaming ships?) and between the Realms and Gi that others who were present could better inform you of.

However, what has been brought to my attention is the call for aid from a resistance movement within the realm of Gi. For anyone unaware, Gi is the main base of power it seems for the Risen Kingdom. On Gi they have a large number of portals, some connecting to other realms like our own, some interconnecting different areas of Gi, and one of import to our mission in Gi, one to a Realm called Morodyne, the source of the Risen Kingdom’s power.

The Risen Kingdom had been using the portals throughout Gi to access other realms, conquer them, and then mine them for their resources and process Void Corruption and power. They then channeled that power and resources through Gi to their Capital, which houses the portal to Morodyne as well as the seat of power for the “Fallen King”, ruler of the Risen Kingdom.

This weekend, at the behest of the Resistance of Gi (The Gi-sistance) and the request of Sir Orion of Chimeron, we gather our forces to push through the portal into Gi and assist the Resistance with deposing the “Fallen King” and ridding Gi of the Corruption polluting it.

This will be a large-scale operation requiring the full force of everything the realms can bring to bear to fight the remaining armies of the Risen Kingdom in Gi. Ultimately, our main strategic goals are the capture of a number of portals in Gi, including finally the portal to Morodyne in the Capital.

Once we have secured the required portals the Resistance is supposed to start a process that is being called “TVC”. Now I know that sounds ominous, however, we have been informed that it should be relatively safe for us in Gi itself. As for what will officially happen as a result of this we have our estimates, but I will keep it vague so as not to give away the final “surprise” in case any Risen Kingdom spies are reading this.

In preparation for this operation many adventurers and even entire nations have come together. Many of us are bringing our own technical and tactical experience to the forefront. Some by performing numerous scouting missions into Gi. Some by preparing supplies and performing rituals to grant additional abilities to those venturing to Gi. While others have mustered the forces of their nations to bring entire armies of troops to the fight.

Hopefully all of this preparation will be enough as we will have several (in character) days in Gi to accomplish our goal. This will require many of us to take the field in battle, much like what we practice for in our War Maneuver tournaments yearly. While others will be needed to maintain our forces' morale and supplies. In addition we will need a dedicated command staff to help our forces navigate the lands of Gi and accomplish our goals before it is too late.

I look forward to seeing all who are willing to join the fight this coming weekend. We will take the fight to the Risen Kingdom, ending their threat once and for all and in the end. And with that end, we help free the Gidans to rebuild and live their lives without the crushing weight of the Risen Kingdom and their corruption.

With Hope and Determination,

Sir Eamon Azzamean

Knight of Blackwood

Knight of the Steward