
Friday, August 16, 2024

Rumors for August 1024

[Across the Realms]

Crudely drawn and poorly spelled posters can now be found in population centers across the realms. They once again state: “Join Raging Rodents! Meet at Mid-Realm!”.


A number of small-time brigands have recently turned up dead after preying upon small settlements. The bodies were found in accelerated states of decay relative to their last reported sightings alive.


Adventurers and a particularly frightened bridge guard have reported horrible creatures emerging occasionally from a fiery red portal near the border with Darkvale.


In Chimeron City, an earthquake was observed for several minutes last month. No casualties or deaths were reported. Scouts and scholars have triangulated the epicenter somewhere in Chimeron proper and the shockwave was felt for only several miles.


There's been an uptick of scholars investigating the geology of various regions, though no one seems to recognize them as being a part of any prominent academic institution.