
Thursday, August 1, 2024

What You Missed - Rise of the Gi-sistance [Photos Edition]

 Photos by Kersten Prince. Captions provided by Kieran/Kyra Barry

Tactics discussed around the war table.

Gi Goggles are fashionable and great at emulating the horrible smog that cloaks the land.

Risen Kingdom forces.

First contact with the enemy.

Day 2. Valiant forces of the Realms fight together against their foes.

Realms forces fight ferociously.

Banners help provide specific benefits to the Realmsians in Gi.

The Fallen King stalks the battle field with ill-begotten prizes, magic swords stolen from Realmsians.

Jean Baptiste uses all his wile to tackle the Fallen King.

Once the Fallen King is vanquished, the heroes of the Realms work to put Jack, the original owner of the Fallen King's body, back into his body. The Fallen King is defeated.