
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Word from the West - Knightly Treats

Created by: Brookelyn "Rowan" Gingras

Word from the West_QoH XXIX

Following his daring rescue by our fellow adventurers from the bear family's house, Garrick discovered a disturbing page from a recipe book stuck to the bottom of his boot.

[Image description: Two worn and torn pages with bear prints on them. The left page says: Knightly Treats. -Ingredients- 1 Adventurer, boiled & deboned. 2 bushels of celery. 2 bushel of fresh watercress. 1 liter olive oil. Pinch of salt. Dash of pepper. 1 gallon of tobasco sauce. Underneath is written "Too hot! 1/4 gallon" "Too mild! 1/2 gallon is just right". On right page is an illustration of an armored individual with slashes across various parts of their body showing where to cut/slice. Underneath are the words "Choice Cuts"]