
Thursday, December 19, 2024

What You Missed - Winter Revelry

 Written by: Lynn "Tempest" Butler

Dear Friends, 

The air was crisp with coldness, fresh, frosted leaves, and smoking breath. Oh how you missed the cold. 

But, the sacrifices you made by staying warm, I could not do. 

By staying warm you missed the excitement of a decorated hall, lights, candles, ornaments, as far as your eyes could see. 

By staying warm you missed Matiya’s smiling face at the desk as she multitasked with baby Sage and Mathies hot on her tracks, waiting for the next magic friend to reach into Father Yule’s sack. 

By staying warm you missed sweet Cornix fluttering about, from station to stage, squeaking and squawking, singing and shouting, - never having a chance to perch and eat her shrimp in peace 

By staying warm you missed the feast! 

Oh goodness so much food littered the tables; ham, potatoes, breads, appetizers Kyomi’s meals kept bellies bulging and belts loose. 

By staying warm you missed the quick feet of old men, Tao ducking and weaving and not dealing, Sagart carrying presents for the mimic to feast. 

By staying warm you missed cookies coming to life. 

Frosting, sprinkles, props, and details- you could use anything on the table. Popular pieces replicated the named heir of Chimeron and Blackwood’s knight Commander. 

By staying warm you missed the love that community brings. 

The cheering of shots and shouting of cards, the rambunctious actions at Evie’s bar. The clapping and hollering of Sir Torolf’s knighting, a bruised shoulder marking achievement and years of fighting.

The laughter of many partaking in gift swap glee There is so much that you missed to see. 

Though the fire was cozy and you were as warm as could be, Was it worth missing the Winter Revelry? 

With Love, 

Sir Tempest 

High Priestess to the Church of Arius 

Magistrate of the Winter Revelry 

Knight of Chaos