
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Why I Want To Go - Feast of the Leviathan XXVI

By: Hannah "Ryu" Boucher

Why I want to go to Feast of the Leviathan (insert stupidly large Roman numeral)

An article in 2 parts

Why Ryu wants to go:

Feast events are wonderful social occasions with great food! Feast of the Leviathan can be considered the King of Feast events if I’m being honest. Few events attract such a large gathering of adventurers and Leviathan has its all! Seemingly endless food, each dish more delicious than the last, addicting mini games to encourage friendly competition, friendly merchants eager to sell their wares, shenanigans, and most fun of all, the View from Valehaven awards. This year is especially special for Chimeronians as we will be publicly roasting our former King in addition to a very special knighting of our very own Saka to the Knights of the Realms. All together this event promises a lot and as we know, it can pull it off.

Why Hannah wants to go:

Jason Rosa refuses to use the word “isekai” properly and so I’m going to show him the true meaning of the word. I have a ukulele and no fear of death. You have been warned.

P.S. The Royal Bards of Chimeron will once again be offering our Sing-a-Gram services! We can deliver songs of inspiration or mockery at a reasonable price! See the poster below, or find me and Princess Cressida for more information!