
Friday, March 30, 2012

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Outside of  Realms, Matt "Thon" Norris is one of our many photographers. Those of us who have long admired his amazing work may be surprised to know he is self taught. After working professionally since 2006, he opened his first studio on March, 23rd, 2012 in Easthampton, CT. It is currently open by appointment. To view more of Matt's work at learn how to hire him view his website .  If you book a character shoot, be sure to mention you are a Realmsie as he is currently offering members of our community a special rate.



a^ga^thos (-ôi) 1. Adj., noble, distinguished, valiant, brave, skilful, pure-minded, ethically good. referring to the noble, achievement and physical prowess 2. good i. e. “useful” 3. A blog about people working to live a life marked by Agathos.

Though only a few current Realmsies are likely to remember Joe "Tahrdel" Callahan, his spirit remains.  He has been described as "An honorable bard, who could regale a room with a tale, and have perfect strangers laughing at the idiotic moments of life. And yet, who would take the time to embrace the excitement and enthusiasm of a brand new player. Making them feel like they were the be all and end all of their skill set".  He is also know as the person "who inspired Jarrod to want to be a knight". 

Joe currently maintains a blog, the purpose of which he has describe as, "to explore the idea of Agathos, what is “good” in the sense of what is worthy, a fully human life."  It focuses on the spirit of combat and life growth and can be viewed here.

He's the one with the beard!!
The Realms has been missing the presence of one of our favorite bearded mages, Aaron "Rel" Metzger (and his fiance Melissa "Aymise" Morianos) who moved to Pittsburg to do GUI programming for the steel industry.  His work has included regular trips to Berlin, Germany since February of 2011.  Although he is out of the area he remains the Lord of Rua Thar Cinn and has plans to visit New England and his Realms friends in the near future.

Welcome to the world, Elliot Jasper Dragon Bernard.  He is the son of Kym "Sarriette" and Jonathan "Johan" Bernard.  He was born at 2:41am on March 23rd and weighed 8lbs 1 oz.