
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Artist Profile- Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee

What mediums do you work in?

Pencils, pens, colored pencils, crayons, markers, whatever I can acquire that's free. I use them on paper, construction paper, and fabrics.

Have you had any formal art training?
Yes and no. I didn't through elementary/middle schools, but in high school, you could choose to, so I was exposed to a lot of different art styles and techniques. I attempted to make art a career out of college, and then decided against it when I moved. Since then, it's been whenever another artist wants to share their skills with me that I learn new stuff.

Where do you find inspiration?  
Whenever the mood strikes, but most heavily am I influenced by music. Music rocks my socks creatively.

Has your art been influenced by Realms? If so, how?
Yes. How, specifically: I now pay more attention to heraldry and color combos, and 'looks'/themes when creating a piece, more often than not.

Where do you share your work? Only if I remember to scan it in, usually
What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of?

I've done some Knights' belts (KoEF), and I did a Black & White Masquerade dress for Raon Fire (she wanted an orange outfit, I and my markers and paint obliged), and designing heraldry is actually a lot of fun, whether or not it gets used.

I'm also proud of the art piece I did a few years back of Sir Vawn allowing himself to becoming a Host/Guardian to the spirit of the tree Coupant. It ended up being an Omnibus cover. That was done originally in just a pencil. Because I love pencils, even if they smudge.
I got paid for a project, once, that was pretty bitchin' for a plot that had crazy cultists. It was the first time I had to draw blood and I had to research it. When people find that picture in the woods, they still find it creepy (Aurora calmly holding the severed head of a child in one hand, by its hair, and no eyeballs, and a bloody knife in the other).
What projects do you hope to complete in the future?
Well, I've been working on my writing for so long - the Drow plot that's started back up is a return to my artistic roots, so we'll see what I can make. Take a good look at my NPCs and monsters, though, and what they wear... that's where most of the art will be.
What other Realms artists work do you enjoy?
While she was active, I actually really enjoyed Michelle LaPlant/Rio Greenleaf's work. I've watched Doug Fischer's change and grow because he always challenges himself and so that's actually more of a treat than it was before. I miss Amber Borowy/Priest Yipp's handiwork, and Michele Avalon Hart's/Duchess Miranda's stuff - wicked pretty and full of emotion.
There are always new people on the horizon, too (Owen West), and people who have been doing it forever but I'm just now getting to see their stuff, truly (Amanda Sieracki/Phoenix Rose).

All art kicks ass, really.