
Friday, July 4, 2014

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Congratulations to Leanne "Faelinn" Hoffman and Jay "Veros" Micciche who were married at Nashoba Valley Winery on June 14th. Members of the wedding party included Aaron "Rel" Metzger, Kathy "Mahkta" Fey, Jacob "Gideon" Valeri, Jonathan "Magnus" Fontaine, Karen "Brynn" Veale.

Angela Wood

Congratulations to the many Realmsies who completed their college education this year.  The list includes: Pat "Saka" Bobell who graduated from WPI with a Bachelor's in Robotics; Chris "Janus" Donnely who walked in the graduation ceremony at  Rhode Island College where he'll be wrapping up his degree in Computer Science this summer; Peter "Axel" King who received a Bachelor's in Graphic Design; Alyssa "Umbra" Lee who graduated from UConn with a degree in Accounting; Nick Quadrini who received a degree in Political Science from Uconn; Sam "Kazul" Stadtlander who graduated from WPI with a degree in Interactive Media and Game Development; and Angela "Monique" Wood who graduated from WPI with a double major in Professional Writing and Biology and Biotechnology

Nick Quadrini (on left) with a friend

Pat Bobell
Chris Donnely

In addition the Nathan "Midget" Ireland and Justin Boyce, two young men who used to play realms have grown up. Nate graduated from college and Justin graduated from 8th grade with an award from the teachers at his school for best exemplifying the traits they like to see in their students. We wish them both the best.
Justin Boyce with his family

Just a reminder that Bethany "Freesia" Tozier is skating with New Hampshire Roller Derby as "Irate Pirate" for her 6th year.  Consider checking out a game and cheering her on. They are a lot of fun.  For more information visit

Welcome back to Michel "Jace" Venne.  He has been doing a direct exchange from UMass Amherst to the University of Copenhagen since February.  During that time he took three classes, the main one was a Fieldwork Methods and Analysis class.  It involved a group of five students volunteering and studying at a fieldwork site. Michel's group studied the organization Trampoline House a non-profit, self-organized, user-driven culture house, where asylum seekers, Danish citizens, and anyone else can meet, share experiences, and learn from each other on equal terms.

Michel (far left) at his fieldwork placement