
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Love is Like Bacon

In July 2010, I was delighted to marry my best friend, Jay.  I could wax poetic to you about how he  is wonderful, sweet, smart, etc. but I will say simply that I am a better person for being with him, and vice versa.  Some of the other blessings on that day in early July when I became his wife include having my 86 year old grandfather fly 3,000 miles to walk me down the aisle, and seeing how many friends we have stand beside us and support and bless our love.  One of the most treasured memories of that day is this poem.  We asked Dave to stand and speak at the wedding, trusting him to say something romantic, wise, and somewhat funny.  Once again, he nailed it.  Such a thing of beauty cannot be hidden from this world.  

David Hayden

Love is like bacon.
Sometimes sweet, sometimes savory, always smokey and delightful.
The mere mention of it makes one's mouth water.
Its presence distracts, a fragrance that makes you forget all else around you.
Such a humble concept, it brings joy the whole world wide, and is always as welcome as the dawn.
Love is gladly received.  It enhances all that there is and is better for having done so.

If Love is like bacon, then True Love is like the mighty Unicorn.  
Fantastic and elusive, a source of hope and wonder for many.
True love is universally yearned for by little girls, and scorned by little boys,
until they witness its majesty for themselves, and find they are truly in awe.
True love is inspiring, if occasionally overwhelming, and even a fleeting encounter is enough to turn a cynic into a believer.
True Love is truly magical.

If Love is like bacon, and True Love like a mighty Unicorn, then True Love Found is like Batman.
Seemingly blessed with superhuman strength, its power is, in fact, born of mortals, which makes its triumphs all the more inspirational.
A culmination of faith, perseverance, and perhaps the smallest assist from Fate, True Love Found is a beacon of hope in those brief moments of shadows passing, when trepidation and uncertainty may grow bold.
For True Love Found recognizes that no obstacle is insurmountable, no challenge too great.  
It utilizes all of the tools and resources available, whether they are nearly organized on a clever and fashionable belt, or found in the form of friends and family who will not hesitate to assist, if only asked.
An enigma to those who cannot look beyond the mundane and recognize the true depth of utter devotion embodied within, True Love Found is the epitome of human potential.
True Love Found is the reason we are all here today.