
Saturday, February 14, 2015

View Retrospective: Bardic Circle: Queen's Lament

In honor of Valentine's Day, a special bonus post featuring the work of a talented and dedicated long-time member of the Realms community....
Queen's Lament

by Amy S. (Bissett) Johnson

When the moon is full
I think of the way his face looked
on the night he went off to battle.

Sword strapped to his back,
armor shining,
while his horse's breath
made crystal clouds of smoke in the air.

I stood by his side,
to show him that I would always be by his side,
whether we were touching or not.
Whether I could see him or not.

I wanted to tell him that I would always think of him,
always love him,
as the shadows moved around us
and men called to each other in the growing dim,
direction and fear in their voices.

He reached out a gloved hand to touch my cheek
I felt my heart crack in two.
I knew, even then, that I would be seeing him next
cold and lifeless on a field strewn with bodies.

He was my Liege
I needed to protect him,
and all I could do was wish him well
and watch him ride away.

But every time the moon is full,
I think of his face,
and that one last touch on my cheek
And I pray that there is a God.

[Editor's note: originally published in The View from Valehaven, December 1993]