
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Belts of the Eternal Flame

Alysha "Sir Kyntela" Metcalf

1. What year were you awarded your white belt?
2014, at North/South War. I’m still a KoEF newbie!

2. Who administered "the punch" and-- be honest!!--did it hurt?
Seth Flagg. It did hurt in the moment, but I think my adrenaline was running so high that I forgot to feel the pain afterwards.

3. Whose belt did you wear until you got your own, and how was this significant for you?
I wore Jason Rosa’s belt. It was the obvious choice, really. Jason has been my friend and mentor for many years. He is the one who brought me into the game. He also squired me under the Knights of Rhiassa, during which time I developed many of the qualities I believe led to my knighting.

4. Can you describe your own belt's heraldry?
The heraldry on my belt is the Huntress Guild heraldry- a white spear head on a bronze background. I also included the diagonal bronze stripe to keep with the traditional KoEF style.

5. Why did you choose that heraldry to represent you?
I chose this heraldry because the Huntress Guild represents what I strive to be as a player and an OOC person: a strong, confident woman. Re-launching the Huntress Guild, originally started by Tanja Johnson, was a project I worked on as part of my squireship. Through my work on this project I grew tremendously as a player and a person. It taught me many valuable lessons about leadership, organization, event-holding, fighting, and collaboration. Perhaps most significantly, it gave me the confidence that I lacked as a shy newbie. The Huntress Guild transcended a simple squirely task and became an integral part of my Realms experience, so it seemed appropriate to use as my KoEF belt heraldry.

6. Who did the artwork on your belt?
My dad.

7. What do you remember most about your knighting?
I remember the moment when I realized they were talking about me. My stomach dropped and my ears started buzzing; I thought I was going to pass out. I can’t really remember much of what was said after that moment. I was honestly completely surprised.

8. What does being a KoEF mean to you?
To me, being a KoEF is not only a recognition of making a positive impact on the community, but also an expectation of continued service and commitment to the Realms. Wearing my belt is a reminder of that expectation.

Photo by Jesse Gifford