
Friday, April 3, 2015

Fireside Chat with Lord Sir Vawn

So, lets clear this up now.  Vawn and I do not always see eye to eye.  He is stodgy, unwavering, and kind of a stick in the mud.  I like sticks, and I like mud, know.  So I set out for Eagles Rook knowing this wasn't going to be a party.  I anticipated a dry, too clean office and water.  Maybe tea.  Im not sure if Vawn even likes me, to be clear.  
Instead, we met at a comfortable tavern, and I was pleased to see Vawn sipping rum.  RUM!  How interesting.  Not being one for formalities, I had a cup filled for myself, and jumped right into the questions.

What are you most proud of accomplishing?
Helping to save the Insectafae from the very real threat of genocide was both a personal triumph and more importantly a victory of good over evil. 

 What is your next quest?
 I do not have any particular challenge in my sights at this time, but there is, unfortunately, never a shortage of wrongs to be righted or evil to be vanquished. I have a sense that, regrettably, people have not learned the error of delving into corruption that is Necromancy, and that it may become a problem again in the near future. 

If you could be granted any wish, what would it be?
I wish there were more people who were wiling to do what is right, regardless of the cost, than what is convenient or for their own benefit.

What nation are you in and why did you join it?
I am in the nation of Eagle’s Rook, currently its Lord and Knight Commander.
I came to the Realms from a land to the west, called Marsh’s End. Sir Pyr Thalax was also from Marsh’s End. I had heard tales of his valor and came to Eagle’s Rook, a land known for being a bastion of honor and righteousness, to learn from him. It seemed like a good first step toward becoming the type of truly heroic warrior I wanted to be.  

What are some squirely tasks you did?
 Unfortunately I do not remember most of them, nor do our records go back that far – many were lost in the fire when Zermarx invaded Eagle’s Rook. I believe I learned many of the lessons Sir Pyr was trying to teach me, but I could not specify the manner in which he taught them. 
I do specifically recall that after learning of my dislike for dancing that he had me spend an entire evening at one Black and White Masquerade dancing. 

What led you to select you squire?
Each of my squires has been picked for different reasons, because they’re all different people. But each showed promise, a desire to learn and grow, and a willingness to listen. 

How do you earn your gold?
My personal gold comes from either making arrows or my gambling winnings. Eagle’s Rook has a silver mine but the wealth that it produces is used for the benefit of the people, not to enrich the Lord.
 I’ve also been known to accept bounties on trolls – Sir Aeston still owes me 20 gold for one I slew in Cawdyll two years ago!

Who have you learned the most from?
While I have learned much from valued friend, allies, and mentors over the years, the many and varied foes I have faced over the years, and the adversity that has accompanied those encounters have taught me the most. 
From Zermarx and his hordes, we learned the folly of those who thought using such vile magic as necromancy would result in anything save self-destruction.
From the endless hordes of Bedlam, released in a colossal blunder of self-indulgence, we learned the price of ignorance and the exceptional danger a foe whose motives are beyond comprehension can represent. 
From Jonas Cooke, we learned the error of underestimating both pitiful creatures and the power that hate and madness can give the dispossessed. 
Those are just a few of the more poignant examples I can think of. 

In every life, there is a defining moment.  Tell us about yours.
 (this was awkward.  I got a look that told me not to push my luck.  I didn't  --T)

What was your life like before you began adventuring? 
I was a farmer and a hunter in a land to the west called Marsh’s End. 

How have your countrymates influenced your actions? 
Significantly and often, usually by their example.  I am inspired every day by their commitment and fortitude.

What do you do for fun?
I don't have a lot of time for frivolity.  I will occasionally gamble or play some other games, or simply converse with others.  I do find satisfaction in simply doing what needs to be done, though, so I may be different than most people.

What is your burning passion?
Im not sure I would say its a "Burning passion" but I honestly enjoy doing what ever I can to make the world a better place.  Whether its something that I must do, or just something I can do that will somehow make a difference

So, there you go.  A few questions with Lord Sir Vawn of Eagles Rook, the Many Titled.  
The truth is, I respect Vawn.  While he is not my first pick for a guy to party with, I trust him, and even look up to him.  Its hard being one of the only real Good Guys out there.  I bet its lonely, too.