
Friday, August 21, 2015

10 Questions- Betty "Kara" Marshall

How long have you been playing?
I started playing with Folkestone in the spring of 1992; my first event was The Rathclewyn Spring Quest

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
The aspect of remaining “in character” and “present” in the game was definitely more strict. Some events even had “witchcraft rules”, which meant if you were seen wearing something obviously mundane (a watch, tee-shirt with logo, jeans, etc) you would incur a penalty, for example in Glendale you would be put in stocks…yes…real stocks. This did provide a little more “realism” to the game, however hearing someone scream “DRAGON!!” every time a car went by did get old quickly. There is also a marked decrease in the amount of cloved oranges…

Who have you learned the most from?
Wow…I have had many strong and influential mentors in this game it’s so hard to choose just one. First and foremost would have to be Sir Callin of Folkestone, both before and during my time with him as a squire. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to train with some of the best fighters in Realms history.

What was your best moment in character?
Hands down when Folkestone won the War Tourney at Creathorne fighting the Borderlands against incredible odds….what were the numbers again?? 86 vs 18?? Regardless of the numbers, during that tourney I found my permanent place in the middle of the line alongside my dear friend Milo and have never looked back.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
Playing Death Bunnies with Tanja Johnson…no contest…playing scantily clad bunnies who were immune to most shots, wandered around killing pcs at will, and were worshiped? What’s not to love?!?

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
Okay, so this is my horse geek coming out, but I would *love* to see Realms equestrians come together for mounted games…unfortunately this probably isn’t something that would work at an actual Realms Events as the logistics are pretty magnificent, but hey a girl can dream.

What advice would you give new players?
Fight as many different people as you can, not just those you know you can beat. One of the things Sir Callin taught me is not to go for the easy fight. It may be satisfying in the short term when you get the win, but you’re not going to learn anything. Fight players who are better than you, but have confidence – if you go into a fight thinking you’re going to lose then you’ve already lost.

What do you love most about the game?
The strong sense of community; of course the community itself has evolved and changed over the past 20 years, but it remains a pivotal aspect for many players. The Realms has provided me (and many others) with a “chosen” family who have remained an important part of my life even as I have drifted in and out of the game…as this is also where I met my best friend and husband Jarrod, our wedding party had more Realms people than not, honestly it was a pretty formidable line on both sides.

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to share?

Not to get all feminist, but I would like to express how proud I am of all the active female players that there are right now, both fighters and casters. When I first started playing a strong majority of female players were either background healers or fire pit ornaments, which was a frustrating stereotype to break out of. I am extremely impressed with everything that the Huntress Guild and others have accomplished in bringing the women of The Realms together.