
Friday, August 21, 2015

What You Missed - QoH XXII Banner and Heraldry

While Team Kara worked very hard to bring players together, and reunite friends to honor the Glory Days.  Team Hooray, being made up of newer players, chose to look to the future, to the next generation.  The older members of the team wanted to help younger players learn how to run a team.  Our banner and heraldry was made up by quite a few members of the team, and many skills went into making it.  Many people learned how to do things as they went.

The main banner was scale mail in a less, um, intense color than we see in the usual Saurabia heraldry.   The scale is in the shape of the dino head seen on Saurabian banners and tabards.  It is set on a lizard scale, double pennant leather banner.  The double pennant shape is meant reflect teeth or a jaw. The top part of the banner is three separate layers.  The front clearly reads "Hooray!" and the back features the same fabric as the True Supporter garb.One of the very challenging pieces of the banner was the fanning-out banner pole.  It disassembles for easy transport, and holds both portions of the banner in place for proper display.

The True Supporter garb consisted of a baldric in personal colors of the Mage, Champion, Generals, and Seneschal.  The tabards are made of hand-batiked fabric, with four layers of hand applied dye.  We went with a scale motif on the tabards, for obvious reasons.  

To keep with the whimsical nature of Team Hooray!, we added some fun twists.  The tabards ended in the double point, reflecting the banner.  To this we added felt "teeth" and a google eye. This is meant to be a reminder that Queen of Hearts is for fun.  HOORAY!
 - Kelly "Twenaria" Bonci

The True Supporters

Close-up of the True Supporter garb and baldric

The banner

Hello everyone. I am Matiya and with my partner Rhiannon, we made the heraldry for Team Kara. 

When Kara was a young girl with her gypsy clan, they raised winged unicorns. She would feed them, groom them, and if they allowed it, ride them. Kara grew restless as she became older and decided to adventure out with her two sisters Kalayla and Kreskin. Kara took the winged unicorn as her sigil, placing it on her shield. She found a new place in Folkestone, making it her home.

As far as construction, we used the blue of Folkestone on the front and the back material incorporates the colors of all the supporting nations and individuals. The True Supporters are wearing Gypsy vests with the Winged Unicorn and a letter denoting their position. Each vest has also been lined. 

The banner is 39" x 44". The Winged Unicorns on everything and the Folkestone symbol are made from German buckskin leather. They were hand-cut and the details were burned into them. We also made Gypsy favors for all the supporters. Those also incorporate the colors of all nations and individuals.  - Liz "Matiya" Butler

The True Supporters

True Supporter garb

The banner (photo by Jesse Gifford)

 [Editors note: all photos by View staff unless otherwise noted]