
Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Just as important as the pride we take in being Americans and in our great country, is the pride we feel at the awesome Realms community we have built and which continues to evolve!

To that end, the View staff would like to wish all of our Realms friends and family a happy, safe, and healthy Independence Day! Whether you are at Blackwood, at home, or wherever you may be in between, we hope you have been enjoying the weekend! 

If you find yourself with some free time today, or at some point this week, consider writing up a 10 Questions piece if you have never been featured in this View series before! Interviews are always popular and we're always looking for people who haven't contributed to this column yet! The questions can be found here, and past responses can be found from this page if you need examples or inspiration. Responses can be sent to Alex (, Jen ( or any other View Editor. 

Thanks, and stay safe!