
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What You Missed - Demonic Invasion 3

  by Cory "Asharn" Roy 

We arrived in the forest of Kelvar ready to fight the oncoming invasion. We started by following a sound through the woods that led to a moon well that would be helpful throughout the rest of the weekend. Later that night we were separated into three teams -  the Constructs, Fiends, and the Beasts. Each team had the general and two supporters who were the strategist and the quartermaster. The generals were Garharz for Team Construct, James Swift for Team Fiend, and Rubis for Team Beast. Later that night I joined my team on the western flank while the rest of the adventurers battled coincidentally against some constructs who had a strange habit of cheering. After the fighting was done for the night we hung out and sang by the fire pit until ungodly hours of the night.

The next day we head to the tourney field where we compete in a bunch of interesting and fun different tournaments. Some I personally had never seen before so I  thought they were a lot of fun. Personally my favorite was one where we had to score as many goals as we could with boulders as our balls. It was exhausting but tons of fun. Later that night after the competition ended we had a wonderful dinner with some amazing bardics. You could tell that people truly put their all into them. After the bardics while we prepped for the night there were some children running around just eager for some bloodshed so we did the only reasonable thing we could. We created baby fights - a child gladiatorial combat pit where we bet on the outcome of the fights. Some people felt this was morally wrong but most seemed happy to cheer and place bets.

After all that entertainment we set out on more adventures. This time we found ourselves winding through a dark path leading up to what I imagine was some sort of prison holding in these creatures. One of them was very dog- like, almost like a puppy so I imagine they were a beast of some sort. We sadly failed to figure out what we had to do here but I did make a random friend with a demon whose name I can't remember but I'm sure our friendship will last a lifetime. Mostly because it already died but that's still technically their lifetime. We once more ventured back out into the forest where we were eventually faced with a chimera, where the adventurers narrowly succeeded in their quest.

The final day everything was wrapped up with the announcement of winners for class tournaments and the teams winners. Best in Class; Barbarian - Graken, Bard - Piper, Cleric - Estome, Druid - Borjid, Fighter - Rubis, Paladin - Malaki, Ranger - Elizah, Rouge - Bart, Wizard - Asharn. Best Quartermaster - Tempest, Best War Strategist - Piper, Best General - James Swift. The Legion was defeated on Sunday and Rubis picked up the blade of discord Mormegic. After grabbing it he started killing everyone until he finally scalped Tempest with the blade. Borjid brought Tempest back and Rubis was calmed and I can only assume everything is all well and good now. After all of that was said and done James Swift awarded Bones the MVP of his team.

Personally I  had a blast at this event. There were some heated tournaments, interesting quest lines, and from my view just a lot of people having fun. I know that when Demonic Invasion 4 comes around I will for sure be going and I recommend the same to anyone else.