
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ask the Editors

Ask the Editors 
The Editors 
Episode 18

Hello again and welcome back to story time with our editors. It's kind of like a choose your own adventure since you get to participate by asking questions, except that you can't go back and choose not to ask that question just because you didn't like the results. Oh, by the way guys, we are almost out of questions, so if you'd like this adventure to continue, send in some more!

This weeks questions caused a bit of a stir amongst us editors. It came to us via email and asks:

“For the Guys: "What sort of diet and exercise routine do you keep on in order to keep your characters' svelte looks?"”

Now the ladies of The View staff felt that they could answer such a question just as well as the men could. (And by 'men', we mean 'man', because we only have one lovely gentleman remaining among our ranks.) So it was mutually decided that we would treat the question as non gender specific and answer as we saw fit.

First up we have our one and only gentleman, Jeremy 'Nighthawk' Grayson:

“I do cardio for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week, and eat a very low sugar/carb diet. This is done for general health reasons, not just for realms.”

Thank you Jeremy.

Next we hear from Lani 'Gwen' Grayson:

“My diet and fitness regimen have very little to do with my goals in Realms. I try to eat healthy most of the time and swap veggies for carbs when I can. I have a sweet tooth, but my new found love is light ice creams like Halo Top because they let me get my ice cream fix with fewer grams of sugar. When it comes to exercise I walk a lot during the day but that's about it. I've never found an exercise program I could stick with.”

Thanks Lani.

And finally, we have Diana 'Kiira' LaPierre:

“I don't know about everyone else, but for me the hardest part about fitness is in eating right. I will work out until my ears bleed but I cannot control the food that I consume. In my defense, I work full-time, have two kids who are into a lot of different hobbies, and have a crazy schedule. I can usually manage to fit in a couple hours at the gym, per week. Eating properly, well, that takes so much more time and energy that sometimes I just don't have. Try and keep consistency as much as possible. Make your food in advance and try and to only break from healthy eating occasionally. The key to fitness is in balancing exercise and diet. Try and eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid all the unnecessary processed sugars. Varying workouts and keeping them intense is what I try and do. If you hadn't already heard through the constant reiteration, myself and a few of us in the game have been doing Crossfit. If you've been living under a rock for five years and don't know what that is-- just google it because I don't have time to explain it. I find that it helps me in my job as a preschool teacher, in life trying to keep up with my kids, and in Realms by giving me the ability to break through my lung capacity barrier and keep the intensity during war maneuvers. As far as questing, I just no longer get muscle fatigue after a day of heavy questing and can now climb up hills without wanting to die half way up, which to me is quite beneficial. So, may I just humbly recommend that everyone finds a workout that is right for them and stick with it 4-5 times per week. Start eating healthy and start slowly if you need to. Cut out soda, fried foods, and sweets from your eating. Just that alone will help you stay on top of your game. Oh, and hit practice regularly-- which is some advice I need to take for myself.”

Thanks Diana!

And there you have it. A little insight into how some of us svelte folks stay so sveltey. As you can see, we don't just do it for Realms, but for an overall healthier lifestyle. The benefits we see in Realms is just an added bonus. And we hope you enjoyed the added perspective from the ladies, as besides the fact that this would have been the shortest column ever without it, female health and fitness is just as important and relevant.

Thanks for reading, and please remember that we need more questions from you lovely folks out there in the community if we are to keep this going. Information on how to send in your questions can be found at the bottom of the page. Please join us next time when we answer the 'ladies-only' question: “If there was a 'Ladies-Only' quest going on that you're on site for, how would you feel? Curious? Annoyed? Would you go? Likewise, how would you feel about a Men-Only? Would you find an Intervention to be able to crash it? Complain? Ignore? And so forth..." How will we answer? Will we continue to rebel and have a man answer as well? Stay tuned...

Questions can be sent to Sara “Zarine” Jessop via email (, facebook messenger, or in person. The question box will also be making the rounds at various events. Please note if you'd like your question to remain anonymous and/or if you would like to address specific editors