
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What You Missed: Interdimensional Market Faire

by Meg "Kyomi" Matulewicz

As I rolled my wagon through the dimensional gate to the Faire, I crossed my fingers that we wouldn’t get rain, but phew, it was foggy!  I wasn’t the first to arrive.  Having traveled the Realms and ventured into other lands, I recognized some merchants that had I had seen from other fairs.  There was a friendly couple who brought a full sized loom.  The wife seemed civilized, but the husband went about as a beggar and played dual nose recorders.  I suppose seeing that was worth the trip in itself.  

Photo by Hannah Blood

 Other vendors had beautiful capes, jewelry, and some really neat striped socks.  There were also merchants that I recognized from the Realms.  Karma was there, as well as Bronze Forge.  It was good to see some familiar faces.  Even adventurers from the land of AmtGuard showed up to showcase their style.

Vendor set-up (Photo by Hannah Blood)
Trying out AmtGuard weapons (Photo by Hanna Blood)

Unfortunately, I think the Faire would have been a lot better if we had...well...more people find their way through the portal. Attendance was overall very low.  Adventurers from the Realms made up the majority of attendees.  People sparred a bit and tried to hide in the shade as the sun came out and the heat got pretty oppressive.  Later in the afternoon, a small questing party went out and about an hour later, they returned with a very large….monkey, I think.  It was friendly at least and seemed to stay on its side of the portal.  

Questing party gathers (Photo by Hannah Blood)

So in short, if you see a portal that says Faire this way, it might be worth your while to go.  Tell your friends.  Flat them and drag them along.  There doesn’t seem to be any demon overlord or Bedlam on that side of the portal.  Seriously!

Non-Realms vendor (Photo by Hannah Blood)

Gearing up (Photo by Hannah Blood)

Questing along the trail (Photo by Hannah Blood)

Photo by Hannah Blood

Editor's Note: The Weapon Shop was actually Rudy's Armory.