
Friday, October 20, 2017

10 More Questions with... Damien "Dell" LaHaye

Photo courtesy of Jesse Gifford

1) What achievement either in or out of character are you most proud of?
Earning my A and becoming a full member of Grimloch.

2) Are you a fighter or a caster? Have you always been? How did you choose?
 A fighter. I have been a one path seer, and a 3 path, shaman, shaman, alchemist. I wanted to be as useful as possible for my team sometimes you need to pick up a pike because someone went down, or grab a door shield. Also armor truly adds, To the atmosphere of our game.

3) Have you ever owned an artifact, memento, or magic item that has meant a lot to you, and why?
Yes. I have owned many, one of them being a magic 4'6" sword called Molly Jackson no one was allowed to use this weapon besides me. This was the first create your own that Del had gotten. 

4) What group of people do you spend the most time with and why? 
Grimloch. I can confidently say we have the most fun at events. 

5) Who is your best friend in character and why?

6) What event or moment had the greatest impact on you as a player?
The moment I removed my tabard and handed it to Tallon and decided I would truly role play my last character(Sabboth) and begin the war with Folkstone. 

7) What event or moment had the greatest impact on your character?
Winning Queen of Hearts this year. This was a last minute decision as a team to fight it was the rally cry Del felt the team needed. Everyone pulled together and made that happen I was very proud as Warmark. 

8)What is your most embarrassing moment, either IC or OOC?
No comment. 

9) What is the best piece of advice you'd give to other players?
Follow Crystal Hall rules one and two....oh and tuck your elbows in. 

10 ) What is the most important thing you've learned through the game?
Make sure you join a group that you supports you. The game is like a long term relationship it has peaks and valleys. Sometimes you need help getting out of the valley. 

BONUS QUESTION #1: Who would you like to see the next interview be with? 

BONUS QUESTION #2: Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Remember tattoos are permanent.