
Friday, October 20, 2017

What You Missed: A Grave Discovery Saturday Night Quest

by Emily "Kara" Murphy

On Saturday night, after the events of the day and a nice dinner, I waved good-bye to Tao who was called to the West and the party set out for the village with our guide, Devan, to test out his and his friend’s theory that the Beacon crystal, an item we had received Friday night, was attracting the undead of Stonewood. They were correct, to say the least. 

 As we arrived to the village, it was heavily fortified with four gates with one opened throughout the night so that we could fight beyond the town’s walls. However, all four points were weaker and the undead flocked to them, trying to tear them down with their weapons. I used what magicks I know to help, and did a lot with them, but as the night went on, the undead grew more restless. Eventually, after while, we knew we had to seal the gates and to do this, we needed a ritual at each. We called out to Solaris, Justicar, Merkel, and Thane in that order. 

The funny thing with the last one is we ran out of a component needed to fix it, so naturally I cast a non-ritual divine aid to Thane, the head god of the Stonewood pantheon and judging on Tempest’s reaction to when I did that, I might’ve messed up, maybe not. He gave me visions of scalping 10 of the undead in exchange for what we need. However, during all of this, Devan was using his life force to be able to raise people to defend the town. He died, giving the rest of his life to make sure his town was safe. Seven of us cremated him as per his request and spread his ashes at the same time the others fought the big bad.