
Friday, January 26, 2018

10 More Questions - Steve Nelson

10 More Questions with Steve "Torolf" Nelson

Photo by Jesse Gifford

1) What achievement either in or out of character are you most proud of?

There’s two that I’d like to mention. The first meant a great deal to me in part because it was recognition that was completely unexpected. That was receiving a Fireball from Shandar at FOB last year. The second achievement means a lot to me because it was a goal I set for myself and worked hard towards over several years. That was reaching the OOTL invitational in 2016 and finishing in the top half (just barely).

2) Are you a fighter or a caster? Have you always been? How did you choose?

I’ve been a fighter since I first started. It’s a big part of what first drew me into Realms to begin with.

3) Have you ever owned an artifact, memento, or magic item that has meant a lot to you, and why?

I have two belt favors that mean a lot to me. One was presented to me by the River Hawks a couple of years ago at a Feast of Eagle’s Rook when they recognized Sirs Duncan, Vawn, and myself for our efforts in starting and mentoring their group. The other is an Eagle’s Rook favor given to me by Sir Vawn.

4) What group of people do you spend the most time with and why?

I enjoy spending time with the folks of Blackwood. They’re a fun and diverse group. Also, if there are Riverhawks around you might find me with them as well. And I wander too; there are a lot of great folks in the Realms to hang out with.

5) Who is your best friend in character and why?

There are a good number of characters that Torolf would back in a fight without question. Someday this will probably cause problems. But the three characters he identifies with most are Sirs Vawn, Tao, and Saegan. Aside from enjoying their company both on the field of battle and off, they all inspire and push me to grow as a character in different ways. Even though they don’t all really seem to appreciate the importance of Ragnarok. But I’m working on that.

Photo by Jesse Gifford

6) What event or moment had the greatest impact on you as a player?

A few years ago I decided that I wanted to become a better fighter. So I started sneaking off to tournaments and trying to fight my way to an OoTL invitational. Initially, it was pretty frustrating, but I took my lumps and paid attention to what better fighters were doing. And toward that goal, I started going to the Nashua practice and reaching out to some people at different points along the way for help. As I struggled to increase my yearly OoTL points, what I hadn’t planned on was that I also found myself more involved and connected with the community. As a result, I petitioned then joined Blackwood / Acteon, squired to the Knights of the Sable Dragon, and got to know a lot more people. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that combat is more important than any other aspects of the game. But for me it was the hook that pulled me in from the fringes and deeper into the game.

7) What event or moment had the greatest impact on your character?

I think one moment that had a big impact on me / Torolf was fighting in the nation's war at TOC 2016. I had fought in some comparably large line battles at other events, but always as a member of a smaller subgroup of the line. Since I had just started petitioning Blackwood, this was the first time I really felt like a part of something big in the Realms.

8) What is your most embarrassing moment, either IC or OOC?

Well, there was the time while petitioning Blackwood that I accidentally killed Sir K on a night quest. That might have been at Folkestone questing. Pro tip: don’t kill your king. Kind of funny that they let me join the king’s guard after that. But I guess every king’s guard should have a berserker or two.

9) What is the best piece of advice you'd give to other players?

If there’s something, you particularly enjoy in the game go after it. Find the people that are excited about it. They’ll be happy to share it with you. You don’t have to stick with it forever, and you don’t have to pursue it exclusively. But it will open doors and help you enjoy your time in Realms.

Statue by Mihail Melnichuk

10 ) What is the most important thing you've learned through the game?

Not to let my doubts and assumptions stop me from trying. You may have noticed I started playing this game a little later in life than most. I’ve also had a couple of injuries, and so far one trip to the QoH cooler, all of which did make me question whether I should be throwing myself into combat the way I do. But I’ve learned about hydration, and I’ve found that getting in better shape matters. And I feel like I’ve pushed through a couple of plateaus when I felt stuck. I think the lesson transfers to other areas of life as well. You can only achieve so much if you don’t try.

BONUS QUESTION #1: Who would you like to see the next interview be with?

10 questions with Illyana Golden; or 10 more with Joe Fontasia or Neil Tozier

BONUS QUESTION #2: Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print

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