
Thursday, January 25, 2018

What You Missed: Rhiassa Presents Feast of the Leviathan XX (photos)

 [Editor's Note: all photos by View Staff unless otherwise noted]

The menu

Pizza skin appetizer

A crowded hall 

Shops, games, and a carnival

Relaxing with King Cecil

Donations to the Royal Chimeron Casino

The other side of the hall 

A little winner

Deep in conversation

Very focused on the cards (Eren Pils-Martin)

Hard at work (Eren Pils-Martin)

Sir Gwen is made a Lord of Rhiassa (Jesse Gifford)

Torolf is knighted to the Sable Dragon (Eren Pils-Martin)

Tao is befuddled (Eren Pils-Martin)

Mathias is knighted to the KoEF (Eren Pils-Martin)

Performing a bard