
Thursday, September 20, 2018

From the Editor's Desk

First and foremost, I’d like to extend a big “thank you” to Angie for filling in on the View staff while I’ve been on maternity leave. It’s been such a comfort to me to know that things have been in good hands while I’ve been focusing on the new addition to our family. A few weeks have passed now, and while life still hasn’t gotten back to “normal” around here (or what will pass for the “new normal” I suppose), I’m ready to step back into my role with the View from Valehaeven.

One of the things that we hear consistently from players is that they consider the Realms to be a community, and that this is one of the things that people love most about the game. A community contains many facets, and many different things contribute to making a community rich and vibrant. I believe that the View is an important part of our Realms community, with its own long history in the game, and that it fills a unique role within the Realms. This includes serving as a creative outlet for players who want to write or otherwise submit content, a source of event information, a way to release plot/ teasers, a platform to present ideas, and a showcase for crafting and other talents within the game, among many others. It is a newsletter for the community, run by the community. It is a vital part of the fabric of our game, and I am eager to return to the View and help continue the important work that it does for the Realms.

You can be a part of this too! We are always looking for writers for the “What You Missed” series, and “Why I Want to Go” is also a great opportunity to try your hand at writing if it’s an event you’re particularly looking forward to. These features help the community by promoting and summarizing events. If you’re interested in writing one or submitting other articles, stories, poems, or pictures - let me know!

~Jennifer "Areni" DeNardis-Rosa