
Friday, September 21, 2018

Thoughts and Secrets behind the Blackwood Playtest.

I’ve had the pleasure of organizing playtesting at Blackwood for the last several years, it can be a hard job, because people are all passionate about this game, and we all have ideas for it. It can be hard because I have to try and incorporate all these additional rules and mechanics into encounters, when I don’t really necessarily know how they will interact with our current rules. It can be hard because people have general ideas, that need a little developing in order to make them come to fruition, and it can be hard because people have conflicting ideas, and I have to pick one of them, or opt to do neither.

Generally speaking I have a few rules for what we playtest:

If I can playtest it, I will try to.
If it will kill someone, or seriously maim someone, I cannot playtest it.
The less work I have to put into making it playable, the more likely I can playtest it. I only have a limited amount of time to work on things, and if I have 20 playable proposals, and 5 that need modification, and or some parameters or development, some or all of those 5 aren’t going to make it.

And it’s as simple as that. I really do my best to recognize my own biases within the game and system, and allow for playtests of any type. But sometimes those biases slip through; its sort of natural, I’m only human.

Now while this is a large part of my process, after I get through all of these things, I have to bring it to my fellow eventholders, core staff of my event and get their thoughts too. I do my best to make it as easy for them as possible because they’re very busy people, and I need them, but they have super important perspectives on these things, so it’s important. But without any further dithering, my thoughts on this year’s playtests:

⅔ Foam Covered Weapons: For people who check into the event with weapons that have 2/3rds coverage of foam, those items are considered to be under the effect of the protect item spell.

The proposal, simply put was giving a boon for people that use 2/3 foam covered weapons. The only work I needed to do was come up with a reasonable boon. This playtest is a little bit outside the standard for us because it encourages people to playtest something specific by giving them a boon. These weapons, provided they follow the construction guidelines, the goal here is to get perspective on whether or not it changes combat significantly.

Tithing Jar- At set locations around the event site, players may place “Tithing Jars” to their gods. The jars must be themed appropriately to their god, and must incorporate one or all of the god’s symbols.  Everytime a designated magic marshal finds 20 gold in one of the tithing jars, the a divine aid to the god will be triggered. All ritual magic done by the god’s followers will be enhanced. 

The tithing jar proposal is awesome, it fits in well with some of the goals of the folkewood initiative because it aims to provide more depth to the world, it encourages people to be incharacter and immersive, and it is a simple mechanic. This proposal was an easy plus for me, because I like content that gives the players options to provide content for each other.

At set locations around the event site, players may repair weapons and armor by holding the object with both hands and counting to 200 seconds. For armor this effect is based on hit location, so after 200 seconds a the chest armor of a chain shirt would be repaired, and then after an additional 200 seconds, the right arm section of the same chain shirt would be repaired. Etc. 

This proposal combined a couple of proposals; so I got one proposal that called for real world skill abilities to happen at a home base, and one wanted to playtest the idea of fighters being able to repair any item in the same way as a bow. This sort of split the difference, and expanded it to everyone. That being said, I think this will just allow people to play with their abilities and powers more often, and that will expand specifically to newbies, which is nice. I don’t expect this to really break the flow of the game at all, unless people start marching back to these sort of “item spawn points” to get things repaired, and get super separated from the content in the process. I guess we’ll see.

Prepared Shot- Anyone armed with a bow may take 10 seconds to prepare their next shot with an arrow from their bow. If the archer takes 10 seconds, then on their next shot from the bow they may call “double strike.” They may only have one arrow prepped at a time. 

So last year we playtested the idea that every arrow could call double shot. Personally I didn’t think it was that broken, but I guess there were some instances where people could shoot two arrows, and effectively one shot someone.  Personally, I’m still not sure that’s broken when paired next to lightning bolt, or machine gunning, but so it is.

So this was an update to the proposal to incorporate the ability from last year in a perhaps more balanced way. I like it a lot, I hope to see it in action, and get some feedback on it afterwards.

New Weapon Types-
Throwing Weapons: Throwing weapons will be allowed on a case by case basis. They must be clearly labeled as throwing weapons, they must be coreless, and they should be minimally 1 inch in thickness.

Honestly, we allow these sort of weapons a lot of the time anyway, someone asked us to playtest is officially, so it wasn’t hard to say yes.

Slings: No hard or sharp parts for sling - soft leather, string / thin rope, and cloth for construction. Sling must not be longer than ~3 feet. Slinger must be responsible for having nobody nearby (especially behind / in front) when they swing it; other players should be directed not to approach in a manner that will get them hit. The slinger must stop firing before an opponent is close enough to be contacted by the sling. The sling and throwing arm should never hit another player. Anyone swinging it in an unsafe or inappropriate manner can be told by marshals to give up the weapon for the remainder of the event.

Slingshots: For the purpose of this playtest, we are allowing this slingshot.

Sling and Slingshot ammo: For this run of the play test, we are requiring that the ammo for these weapons be uncovered foam, untaped, open cell foam. Minimally larger than an eye socket. 

So for me this was perhaps the most debated playtest of the year. I check in a lot of weapons throughout the year, and I’ll be candid and admit I’ve seen some real nightmares at some events, and practices. For me, the idea of this playtest comes with the most risk, because I have no idea how many people will latch onto it, and give it a try, and I have no idea how many of the people who will latch onto it will be safe with them. I think in that sense, this playtest probably came with more restrictions than the proposer intended, and I’d have to apologize for that. Additionally, I have to admit that it never occured to me that this playtest may be for 3 paths as well, and made the call that it was under the assumption that it followed the bow rules. I think that was probably the right call in terms of balance, but it also show some inherent bias that I might have. I think it’ll be generally fine at the event, but I have some reservations about it too.

At check in a player may designate an element which they are aligned to, with the magic marshal. This may have a benefit at some point during the event.

We’ve playtested that people could change the names of their spell calls to reflect elements that they feel their characters are aligned too in the past, it comes back every time with mixed review, some people end up a little confused, some people really like it. Over all, it ends up pretty neutral, in my opinion. This is in the spirit of that, but hopefully with less player confusion. I’m not sure that it’ll satisfy the players in the same way, but we’ll see.

Spell System Changes:
Dance Component: At check in for any one spell with a verbal component that allows for the caster’s feet to be mobile, that spellcaster may choose to substitute the verbal component with a number of dance steps equal to the number of words required for the spell, with the addition of a flourish at the end, and minimally the name of the spell being cast as a marshaling component. All other components of the spell must be satisfied.

So every time I think about this proposal I chuckle. I think there is a lot of players that will have a very fun time trying to mess around with this mechanic, and I may even hear some belly laughs over it. I hope people take into consideration the people that are around, and are generally nice to each other about it, but we’ll see.

Spells with Changes:

Assassin’s Blade:
Uses: Unlimited, one at a time - Material: A cloth, and either a single weapon up to 3' long or an arrow, labeled with "Assassin's Blade," "Event-Stealable," and the spellcaster's name - Active: Wipe the entire length of the blade 5 times - Caveats: Combat Calls, Enchanted Items, Weapon Calls
This spell allows the spellcaster to prepare their MC with the spells Armor-Piercing Weapon, Enchant Weapon, or Create Poison, without expending a casting, although a use of the spell must still remain in order to prepare it. To prepare the weapon with one of the listed spells, they must wipe the blade of the weapon with the cloth 5 times. Only one spell may be prepared at a time onto the Assassin's Blade. Anyone may use the weapon, but only the spellcaster may utilize the special call with it. The weapon is one-handed, and may be used in conjunction with another weapon or shield by the spellcaster up to their restriction. If the MC is IC broken, it will retain its magical properties if repaired.
In addition, any scalping blow dealt by an Assassin’s Blade counts as two blows dealt.

We had a couple of suggestions about this spell, and I think that this one was the more balanced of the suggestions, generally I’m a fan of giving people options with their spells, so I’d like to see how it plays out.

Protect the Soul 
3rd Circle
Uses: 1 - Verbal: 30 words and an explanation - 
Material: Spell Sash - 
Caveats: Enchanted Items, Spell Sash
This spell will protect the recipient from possession, Animate Undead, and the like. When targeted by any spell or effect against which Protect the Soul immunizes your PC, you may call "Protect the Soul!" Additionally, if the recipient of this spell has a spell with the undead caveat cast upon them, they may opt to rise as a free willed undead. 
 The spell will last until the sash is disenchanted or removed by the spellcaster. The spell will not function if the recipient is scalped or their soul is not within their body for any other reason.

So I have a soft spot for protect the soul. When I was a newbie I wanted to work it into my spell build so badly, but mechanically its very situational. In a lot of ways, it’s geared against PVP, and our game has shifted away from that sort of game in the last some odd years. So for me, protect the soul needs a little bit of a boost in order to really be viable. In that, I also think that necromancy had been becoming more accepted within the game in the last, well long time, so with that in mind, I figured I’d try out an idea wherein protect the soul allows people to opt to be free willed undead, and see if more people take it for that.

New Spells

Reclaim Missiles
3rd circle 
Uses: 2
Materials: 15ft of rope
VC: 10 word chant
AC: hold one hand to the sky
Circles, chant, spell failure
The caster must create a circle with their rope with the ends overlapping and begin chanting. Once one circuit of their chant is complete they may raise their hand in the air and leave the circle. While they continue to chant with their hand held to the sky they may not cast any other spell or make any attacks but they may call pass through on all incoming attacks. They are allowed to move through the battlefield with the purpose of retrieving any missile props they have been granted express permission to, including magic props that cannot be touched otherwise, before returning to their circle.  

The spell ends as soon as the caster steps foot back in their circle. At which time they may interact with the world again and hand out any collected missile props to their owners. 

If for any reason the casting ends before the caster returns to their circle they are dead and must return to their circle. Any knowledge gained while outside their circle is lost if the spell is not completed by successfully returning to their circle. Examples of things that can end the casting are: the spell is disrupted, the circle is broken, the chanting is stopped (see chanting caveat). This ability cannot be used to block or shield players or pathways.

This is a smart attempt at a fix for common problem with a balance mechanic in our game. The mechanic being that you can cast a spell so long as you have the prop for it, the imbalance being the somewhat common situation where you can’t get to your props because of well, dying. This spell, hopefully just eats at that problem by taking up a spell slot, but we’ll see how it plays out on the field.

Touched by Death
2nd Circle
Uses: 3
VC: 30 words, and a description of the spell. 
Materials: Sash with the words “Touched By Death” on it. 
AC: Touch the recipient while reciting the verbal.
Caveats: Undead, Enchantment

The recipient of this spell is touched by death. While they are enchanted by this spell, they are able to be returned to the greatest status of undeath that they have achieved post the casting of this spell, by casting animate lesser undead, animate undead, animate undead general, or embrace death. This ability persists through the living status. Additionally, if any of the aforementioned spells are cast while the being is under the effects of this spell, they may use one of the previous listed spells to heal between 1 and 4 of their limbs. 

I think this spell may imbalance the game in favor of one path necromancers. Like for serious. But we’ll see how many people even try it out.

Dancer’s 1st Blessing:
3rd Circle
Uses: 3
Verbal Component: 20 Words
Dance Component: 10 steps, while having two hands on the recipient. 
AC: Recite the Verbal and touch the recipient of this spell. 
Caveats: Spell Failure. 

The next 3 times the recipient of this spell is raised, the armor they are wearing is repaired to full. There can be no weapons within 10 ft at any point while casting this spell ( except ghost bladed weapons. ) 

I’ve loved the idea of new spells for support casting for a long while, and I thought this was a super smart one that incorporates the fun dance mechanic. I had to give it some meat from its original idea, so it may have stepped a bit away from the first concept, but it needed a little balance in order to be playable. I think overall though support casters would be wise to try it out.

Dancer’s Rally:
4th Circle
Uses: 3
Verbal Component: 20 Words
Dance Component: 10 steps, while having two hands on the recipient. 
AC: Recite the Verbal and touch the recipient of this spell. 

The recipient of this spell has their next attack imbued with double strike. Alternatively, the caster may choose to use a casting of the spell “Armor piercing” to imbue that weapon call instead of double strike, this use of the spell uses both a casting of Dancer’s Rally, and Armor Piercing. 

I’m not sure I like where this fell circle wise, I think it may actually end up being under powered compared to Dancer’s Blessing. I guess I’ll have to see what people do with it.

Dancer’s Charm:
6th Circle
Uses: 5 uses one per person at a time - 
Verbal: 30 words 
Dance Component: 10 steps, while having two hands on the recipient. 
- Material: Spell Sash -
 Active: the recipient must kneel or lie on back, no weapons in hand 
. - Caveats: Enchanted Items, Spell Sash
The recipient of this spell is protected from any damaging attack for 1 hit. The call for this is "Resist Death." The recipient of this spell can choose when to utilize this effect.

I think this may have been a bit broken at unlimited uses. I think if a support caster takes it as 5 uses, they’ll be able do some smart support casting and might be able to change the course of a fight because of it. Also, the mix of the dance component and mechanics for casting resist death makes me laugh every time. I really hope I see this cast at the event just because of that. I hope people have fun with it, and just enjoy themselves.