
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Recipe Box: Potato Leek "Soup" Recipe

by Renee "Kindrianna" Booke

The following recipe for Potato Leek "Soup" was recently served at our Feast and will produce six servings. It is worth noting that if made as directed, the soup will come out far thicker than standard or typical soup. If you wanted to, you could serve it as a side dish disguised as mashed potatoes or something. Secondly, one could easily add garlic or bacon for flavor if that is your thing. (I'm looking at you, bacon connoisseurs of the Realms!)

Here is what you will need!


¼ tablespoon of salted butter
6 leeks, trimmed and chopped
3 cups of chicken stock
4 large potatoes, peeled and cubed
½ cup of heavy cream
1 teaspoon of sea salt, or to taste
Ground Black Pepper to taste


1.     Melt your butter in a large pot over medium heat. Cook and stir the leeks in the melted butter until softened. Remember that the leeks must be trimmed and chopped first. (This should take approximately 15 minutes.)

2.     Stir in chicken stock and potatoes and bring to a boil. Then reduce your heat and simmer until the potatoes are tender. (This should take approximately 20 minutes.)

3.     Pour around half of the soup into a blender, but don’t fill the pitcher more than halfway full. Hold down the lid of the blender and carefully start, using a few quick pulses to get the soup moving before leaving it on to puree. When ready, pour the pureed soup back into the pot.

4.       Stir in the heavy cream and season with sea salt and black pepper.