
Friday, April 12, 2019

Spirit of Steel: Icebreaker

With Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

My weapon is named Icebreaker. It came from BrightHammer Half-Dwarven Icebreaker (was also a ThunderWalker, but I remember the Icebreaker part). It is pale blue and white, with Icebreaker's name etched and faded into it. It's unique to me two-fold: one, it's a connection I have still to Brighthammer(Buddy Wolfhope), and two, when people come over and ask about the sword, it's effectively 'breaking the ice' about the late Knight and I happily engage in talks with anyone who is willing to listen. I have had it since October 2016. It was made by Eric 'Rudy' Marques.

What does this weapon mean to you?  A heck of a lot of meaning I've placed on it and with it. While BrightHammer and Iawen didn't get to interact all that much together, other characters we played did, and Bud is and was my Best Bud, was even the best man at my real life wedding (we got hitched to each other in-game).

Any sword could have been won by anyone at the auction done in his memory; it's kismet that I ended up with one so perfectly well-made to carry on a part of his name (and one of many stories to be told again and again).