
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Boff Brawl - Round 9

The winner of Boff Brawl Round 8 was: Kyro with Skeletor!

Winners so far:
Round 1: Avendar with Lion-o
Round 2: Freija with Aang
Round 3: Raynor with Finn
Round 4: Kindrianna with Leonardo
Round 5: Kovaks with She-ra
Round 6: Tao with Samurai Jack
Round 7: Saegan with Korra
Round 8: Kyro with Skeletor

Now for Round 9! This round puts us half way through the preliminary matches!

Player 1 - Thoril. Character, Aang.
Strategy: I would choose Aang, and the strategy would be to use air bending to keep his distance from the others taking pot shots at them and to prevent other opponents from taking flight to maintain air superiority. He'd use earth bending for surprise hits from below and to keep them off balance by messing up the terrain and water bending if they should close the gap to mid range and using the classic water hand whips to grapple and attack, suffocating them if he can enclose their head. Finally a combination of fire and earth bending in close range, fire for the main avenue of attack using the hands and occasionally using earth bending with the feet to as a surprise attack form outside their field of view. Saving the Avatar state as a last resort trump card to just overpower the opponents.

Player 2 - Runaris. Character, Samurai Jack.
Strategy: I would tell him to often take an aggressive approach unless outmatched then take decisive strikes. So I would ask him to be aggressive to start.

Player 3 - Isla. Character, She-ra.
Strategy: She would use empathy and sword of protection. Deflect first when possible, use body throws. 

Player 4 - Saka. Character, Korra.
Strategy: I'd pick Korra, no question. Power, versatility, speed, reach, and range. What more could you want in an avatar?