
Friday, April 17, 2020

Home Questing Task #3: Results!

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Hello and welcome to the judging of the third task.  This week, the challenge was to make the best four panel comic about yourself.  This week, we received four spectacular entries (plus my own since there were less than 5 entries,) so as is tradition, I will present them to you in the order I received them.

First, from Iawen is her chibi approach on fighting this plague:

Next, from Cressida, is about when she became light-headed:

Following this is a comic from DelHemar about getting drunk:

Next the trio of Aeston, Areni, and Gwen submitted a comic about child wrangling:

Finally, to round out the group is my own submission about when the times get dark:

There were some absolutely fantastic entries this week, and it is going to be tough to rank them.  But luckily, I have Kyara here as a guest judge to help me with the task this week.  So, let’s take a look at Kyara’s rankings:

In 5th place (1 point) is Janus. I think this is a Chimeron thing...I don’t get it. Like, don’t get me wrong, I hate disrupt light too- total night blindness SUCKS, but I feel like I’m missing the joke here! Sorry. I demand fireside storytime for this!

In 4th place (2 points) is Cressida.  This was super cute and funny! Well drawn.

In 3rd place (3 points) is Aeston, Areni, and Gwen.  Ah yes- life with spawnlings. I imagine it’s similar to dealing with my lot on a regular basis and I’m sure as many others will attest, the final panel confirms it. Great linework- I also like that it flows like a poem!

In 2nd place (4 points) is Iawen. I love some good color. I think we all can agree that evil illnesses are more treacherous by far than the Strangers. Illnesses don’t even let us try to fight- boo hiss. The drawing on this was great and I love the amount of emotion displayed by the characters!

In 1st place (5 points) is DelHemar.
Oh Bones.
Might I point out to the masses that this person drew a HAND. A HAND. Do you know how hard that is? It’s nuts. Also this is a reference to a great story, and we all love great stories. Makes me think of fireside storytime.

Now here is my own judging.

Disqualified (0 points) is Janus’ submission.  I would have ranked it first, but he threatened me by saying “I know where you sleep”, earning him an automatic disqualification from my list.

In 4th place (2 points) is Iawen’s submission, which it pains me to do, as it was really good, but people really brought their A game today.

In 3rd place (3 points) is Cressida’s submission.  I really enjoyed the surreal joke it had.

In 2nd place (4 points) is Aeston, Areni, and Gwen’s story of raising children.  The joke was solid as was the art and story.

In 1st place (5 points) is DelHemar’s story, which had a more realistic art style, a good joke, and a nice stealth pun.

And now, for the weeks scores (including the point for participation):

DelHemar crushed it with 11 points.
Aeston, Areni and Gwen get 8 points.
Iawen gets 7 points.
Cressida gets 6 points.
And Janus earns a single solitary point.

And let’s see how that affects the scores up until this point:
DelHemar: 26.5 points.
Aeston, Areni, and Gwen: 18.5 points
Cressida: 14 points
Bart: 11 points
Iawen: 11 points
Saka: 10 points
Kwido: 6 points
Tarun Ul-Sikar: 5 points
Vanduke: 4 points
King Alexander Cecil: 2.5 points
Kara Nithisdottir: 1.5 points
Thoril: 1.5 points

Tune in today at 11:00 for the next challenge!