
Thursday, September 1, 2022

WIWTG Folkstone Weekend 2022

 Feast of Folkstone and Folkstone Questing have a long history of excellence. So it comes as no surprise to me that as the reins are gracefully handed off to a new era, the new team at the head of the legendary nation seeks to rise to their own excellence. To meet the merit of their own brand, as it has been done before them. 

Because why wouldn’t you want to carry on in that way? Why wouldn’t you want to create the stories of the people that made you fall in love with it in the first place? As a member of Blackwood, I can understand this. As someone that took the reins of my own nation’s events, I get it. For me that’s enough to want to go to Folkstone. 

But I was also in the other room, while some of my friends toiled away long hours, plotting their player’s doom. I’ve been around for the struggles they’ve had to overcome. 

I know the bar they have set for themselves, and I know they are going to meet it. 

Folkstone weekend has a long history in the game, one where for many players in the game, moments are created. As we break through enemy gates, race the clock to defeat the devil, as we fight through whirlwinds, or call on ancient powers in the night. It’s a time for the rise of champions, and the fall of cities. Where brothers turn on each other and fight bloodied they fight broken. 

It’s where stories are made, legends. 

And I will absolutely see you on the field. 

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn