
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

An Invitation to The SMAS Nation's Faire

Why you should go to the SMAS Nations Faire:

Today marks the day of WPI SMAS's annual Nations Faire, an event where as many nations as we can get talk to Newbies about their nation. This year we will be having over a dozen nations present about the various areas in the Realms and chances are, your nation will be there! This event will be Hybrid so feel free to join SMAS via Zoom starting at 7:30PM and say hi to our newbies, bring newbies of your own, or just hang out with your fellow oldbies! Here is our tentative schedule of nations. Hope to see you all there!

Zoom Link:

- Hannah "Ryu" Boucher, President of SMAS

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Caption This

Here's a photo from a Realms event lacking any specific context. Go on back to social media and comment with the best caption you can think of.


Monday, November 28, 2022

Meme Monday

by the Meme Team

Friday, November 25, 2022

Bardic Circle: A Year in the Realms

written and performed by Margaret August

Sir Laika puts out the call

Necromancer in Nathan’s Hollow

We’re gonna save some folk

First event, black and white

Everybody looks so nice

We’re gonna have a ball

Uncle Cecil’s Yuletide fun

In his crazy tavern

Presents from Pater Yule

Tournaments of Artemis

King’s Page and a Huntress

Bird Buddies won it all

Cuz it’s been a year in the Realms

Full of magic and monsters and more

It’s been a year in the realms

With friends and foes galore

Next comes Rexan War

Champion is dead what’s more

We had to kill a god

Comet falls from the sky

Blood cultists they must die

Mage made the Star Child cry

Chim and Rhiassa do collab

Hanging out with friends I'm glad

Summer festivals are rad

Feast of Chim, it is next

Fix Laika and join Voraniss

My friends are the best

Cuz it’s been a year in the Realms

Full of magic and monsters and more

It’s been a year in the realms

With friends and foes galore

Naralia’s fun and games

Will you join me once again

Tournament time with friends

Elwin versus Cecil

One will rise and one will fall

Team Elwin won it all

Next comes chaos time

Illegal weapons oh gods why

This may go awry

Weekend in Folkstone

Black hole time, cultists are done

New Steward in Verai

Cuz it’s been a year in the Realms

Full of magic and monsters and more

It’s been a year in the realms

With friends and foes galore

Next stop Nangea

Archon’s dead, they stole Leyla

Magic items all over the floor

Blackwood has lots of food

I can’t even feast with you

Ritual to help my friends

Tournaments of the Branch

Much spectacle it does grant

Became a fighter again

Captain Orion put out the call

Into Gi Alpacasaurus falls

Dreamliner brings us along

Cuz it’s been a year in the Realms

Full of magic and monsters and more

It’s been a year in the realms

With friends and foes galore

Nobody could ask for more

I can’t wait to see

What next year has in store

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

From all of us here at The View, we'd like to express our most heartfelt wishes that you and yours have a warm, happy, delicious, and safe Thanksgiving. We'll be back with our regular content tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Morning Coffee Break

Got your morning cup of coffee and a few minutes? Great! Time for our continuing feature at the View - we're going to be asking a series of questions and we want to know your answers! The question is posted below. So while you sip your morning beverage of choice, ruminate on this one:

It's the time of year for expressing thanks. Right here, right now, think of someone in Realms that has made your time here better, more meaningful, more fun, more interesting, and tell us all who they are and why you're thankful for them.

Head on back to social media and let us know in the comments!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Butchery Advertisement

Hey there say there gang. Crew, homies, lonelys, and one and onlys.

Its the Realm’s greatest cannibal probably, your best friend, Sir Jean Baptise, with news for the View.

It's getting colder, well it ain't but people are going “Well it should be colder why isn’t it cold” and isn’t that good enough? Winter is coming, whether it wants to or not (and it appears it does not), and with winter comes the possible greatest hobby in all of our fair society, the blind gift exchange…

But wait… times getting late… do you really have time to prepare a heartfelt gift at THIS late hour?

What about… ACTUAL HEARTS (for legal reasons there is no correlation).



Thats right, we are doing a good old Yule Meat Swap…

Wait, I'm in the wrong nation to call it that…


For this season, Baptise Butchery will be taking your orders of jerky not just for YOU, but for your friends!

Order to your specific tastes, order our special mystery meat! Sign the wavier, sign your soul! Probably the former, the jerky isn’t really worth your soul, save that for Rexan jr.

But if you want to give a little, you can enlist in the Mystery Meat program! And your name will be randomized with a bunch of other names who enlisted, and you can order the best jerky for someone else!

It's like a random grab bag really, but now someone is to blame for it, who ISN’T me.

You can always order for someone else! Give it as a gift! A bribe! A flirtatious gesture! A vague threat that you know where they live and how to stuff dead bodies in THEIR BED. We can only suggest you do SOME OF THOSE OPTIONS! 

Prices are around 15 dollars for a bag! 

And remember the Baptise family motto: For You, From you. 

And as always, for legal reasons we never met!

Monday, November 21, 2022

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team


Friday, November 18, 2022

Rumors for November 1022

 [Across the Realms]

Places where the veil to the Faerie Wildes is thinner and where high Fae populations reside within the Realms proper have reported sightings of a strange figure standing just out of view. Word says that the form is humanoid but featureless, almost like a shadow that flickers in and out of place, and only able to be seen in the corner of your eye. Nothing seems to occur out of the ordinary where it's sighted, however, so it is not viewed as a threat.


In all major cities of the Realms vaguely human-shaped beings of water appear to march around spouting off decree from the Lord of Corruption. Their words outline that the war with Voraniss is one based on territorial differences and they request that all other nations remain neutral in this effort. Any nation that acts in such a way to assist Voraniss will be recognized as if they have declared war upon the rightful Crown of Sothron and treated as such.


North of Chimeron, West of Banecroft, a beam of light falls from the sky; a continuous stream of blue and purple. It just sort of sits there. Shimmering. It is visible from quite a ways away. Researchers from the Subtle Threads Magical Research group and the Academy of Scientific and Magical Technologies are on site investigating.


An arson/theft was committed inside a Church of Aurora within Chimeron proper earlier this month. The identity of the individual is still unknown and at large. The extent of the damage was a burnt up desk and a broken door, it is believed that no one was injured.

[The Faerie Wildes]

Many places in the Wildes are preparing for the change of seasons. Some fae speak of how the Winter Court is still upset over last year's attempts by the Summer Court to try to extend their season, and how they're concerned the balance of the Courts might cause new problems again, especially with the recent unseasonal warmth.


The northern Stonewood Farms have been celebrating a successful harvest. Not quite the yields this year that they should be getting, but with a lot of optimism that now that the Farms are reclaimed and cleaned of a lot of the demonic energy that infested them, there will be many good years to come.

Starhaven's martial law has been rolled back entirely, and there is no longer a curfew. There is a higher guard presence which makes some people uneasy, but crime is at an all-time low.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Guess That Realmsie!

Another in our continuing series! In the below picture there is a Realmsie-shaped black hole. Can you figure out who it is based only on the profile? Tell us on Facebook if you think you know who it is! The answer will be revealed later in the day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Butcher's Beastiary: Trolls

by Jean Baptise

Brown, gruff, and large. Few foes can strike as much fear as a Troll.

Trolls are part of the goblin family, in fact some claim a Troll is a sortof “Veteran” goblin, or a goblin that has done some sort of ritual to strengthen itself. Or maybe they are just fat.

Regardless, Trolls are the opposite of a kobold. They are naturally armored, they carry big long hand and a halves in one hand and a boulder in another, and they regenerate. Yes a Troll frequently will thwart death, despite having no necromantic, or indeed magical pulse in them.

To defeat a troll, you have to watch its off arm, that is the one where the boulder is. The Troll will rarely swing the boulder, but if it throws it, this will force you and your team to scatter… or die. Dying is on the table if you want. Free dimension. 

The troll also can not be killed until its heart is removed from its chest, or rather it is “rendered soulless”, which really, is more a side effect of goring the beast than anything else. In Chimeron, where Trolls and their goblin allies have long warred against the kingdom, their musculature is too difficult to cut with mere knives. One needs to either use a hammer or a axe, since, though it is not pretty, the muscular regeneration will often work against the troll on bones, causing the limb to remain useless.

Some Trolls have learned to carve their blades of heavy stone and “Swing” the boulder, crushing foes with raw brutal force. But worse is a Troll Twin.

Trolls you see, are not like most species. When a troll mixes blood with another troll they form a blood oath that is stronger than most… anything, most Troll twins aren't actually literal twins, as Trolls very rarely give birth to siblings at all. However whenever a troll bond is formed, it can be near indestructible. Simply put, if one of the trolls are defeated, its brother will immediately run to the others rescue, even if dead their regeneration will suddenly hasten to do so. The only way to stop this is to impale the troll, and prevent the wound from closing.

Troll meat is very gamey, and tends to be an acquired taste for a sophisticated palette. Its the blue cheese of meat… which may raise an alarm bell to some. If you see your troll steak wriggling you can rest at ease knowing its very fresh. You see even without the heart, troll meat still grows… just very slowly.. You can not jerky it due to that, as slow cooking processes don't really help a meat that keeps growing. Troll meat can be ground into sausage with some great success, especially with their high fat content.

Todays recommended dish is a Troll dog, where one takes a ground up offal of a troll, places it in its own severed intestine, and dips it in a batter of buttermilk. Serve with malt vinegar, not ketchup. And on a stick.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Bardic Circle - Everyone's Favorite Space Bear

For the hero of Darkvale, Justari's Benevolence, Chan Ottokar

Composed and sung by Margaret August

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear

          G                             G

When Darkvale needed a hero,

           C                                G

It was Chan who took up the fight,

G                           G

During our darkest hour,

           A7                                    D  

It was Chan who showed us the light

          G                       G

When Rexan came to destroy us

       C                                 G

Our heros stood brave and true

G                             G

Chan came back to save us all

     A7                               D

He knew what he had to do

G                                G

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear,

       C                    G

Get up and shout hurray

G                                G

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear

               A7                             D

He's the hero who saved the day

G                                      G

Thanks to the help of the good gods

C                                   G

Rexan met his fate that day

      G                         G

Our heros faced impossible odds

       A7               D

The evil god did pay

       G                                      G

The Just gods chosen helped guide us

C                         G

Chan paid off his debts

      G                                  G

He did what was right without a fuss

      A7              D

He left with no regrets

G                                G

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear,

       C                   G

Get up and shout hurray

G                                G

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear

              A7                            D

He's the hero who saved the day

G                                   G

When the grenade was thrown

C                 G

So too was Chan

G                   G

Laika tried to save him

      A7                          D

But Chan had another plan

G                        G

Chan refused to yield

C                            G

Faced with certain end

G                           G

Aurora’s tears became a shield

     A7                         D

So he could save his friend

G                                G    

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear,

       C                    G

Get up and shout hurray

G                                G

Everybody’s Favorite Space Bear

               A7                             D

He's the hero who saved the day


Monday, November 14, 2022

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, November 11, 2022

Invictus Gladitorium Update from Black & White 2022

   This summary was provided by Sir Kiira, acting as a scribe to the Nation of Invictus.

Unto the denizens of the Realms,

We are writing to inform you of the most recent court held by the Nation of Invictus. Our nation holds our court in what is called a Gladitorium. In this Gladitorium, we hold trials of combat, magic, and craftsmanship to allow individuals to gain entrance into the Army of Invictus. 

Saturday, October 22nd, of year 1022, we held our Gladitorium in the beautiful Lands of Chimeron, which had equally beautiful weather. The grounds, which were damp from recent rainfalls, made for soft ground in which to fight. We began by presenting our members with new tabards, customized for each person in accordance to their sizes and preferences. 

Once the new garments were adorned, we continued onto the combat portion of our trials. Thayet, a mage who specializes in heavy support magic and can wield lightning, petitioned to join the Invictus Army. She chose a champion to support, Sir Daekara. When a mage is supporting their champion, they must face every fighter in the Gladitorium while they are being supported by another mage. After a series of up to fifteen fights (one fight for each of the founding members), or one victory for the petitioner, they move onto the next series of fights with the next fighter and mage. 

As is customary for every Gladitorium where there is a combat-focused caster, the first series of fights was against Imperator Shandar Silverstorm, and his most venerated mage, Sir Kiira. After this series of fights, Thayet chose her challengers by going widdershins around the circle. Thayet proved her worth as a mage and entered the group as a petitioning member. She was given a tabard with a Black Wolf symbol, signifying her status as a petitioner. 


After the combat had concluded, Sir Aelias Softshadow presented a ritual to gain entrance into the Army of Invictus as a full member. While performing a ritual similar to one he had performed in the past, he stopped suddenly. Aelias turned and address the group, explaining how when you cast a spell, you create a circle providing protection. Instead of needing the protection provided by the magical circle, he empowered his magic and was protected by the circle standing around him; his nation; The Nation of Invictus. Pulling out the blade he was given as an accolade to winning the mage tournament at Queen of Hearts, Aelias offered up his sword to Imperator Shandar in defense of the nation. Shandar welcomed him into the Army and presented him with a tabard featuring a golden wolf, signifying full member status. 

The last trial of the day was that of Lady Liselle Silvermaple, and it was quite a marvelous one at that. For her final trial, she was challenged with proving her craftsmanship through an item to be presented to Shandar. What an item it was. Liselle stated that she had never seen the leader of Invictus in what she considered formal attire. She presented him with an exquisite burgundy doublet, with detachable arms, and a side cape bearing the Invictus Wolf. Under the doublet was a golden silk shirt of the same material used to accent the doublet. If that was not enough, on the reverse side of the doublet sits studded leather armor—to never be left undefended. With successfully delighting the Imperator, Liselle gained entrance into Invictus and was given her own gold wolf in the form of a tabard. 

Next up during the Gladitorium, Daekara took on a Squire, Jack of Redwall, for the Knights of Invictus. 

Now we come to the point in the Gladitorium where we discussed change moving forward. Shandar addressed the nation stating that, when Invictus was founded, we were in a constant war with our enemies. As we move on to a more prosperous time, we are looking to restructure ourselves. While the world slowed down due to our times spent within our borders, we have had the opportunity to self-reflect and see where we are and where we want to be. 

Though his authority is not changed, Sir Randalf is now in charge of the Army of Invictus, specifically the fighters. He will still answer directly to Shandar. Randalf’s position is now known as Warmaster. Parallel to Randalf will be Kiira, who will have the same duties, specifically with the Mages of the Invictus Army, who also answers directly to Shandar. She will have the title of Warmage. 

The next level of authority will be called Captains. They are the field and squad leaders who will be responsible for mustering and organizing the troops while on campaign. This role is still Sir Eldritch Cleaver’s, though the title has changed from what it previously was. In addition to Eldritch, Daekara was promoted to the rank of Captain. 

Another shift in positions was in the title of Justicar, which is filled by Sir Vuel Shiba. His responsibilities are to enforce the justice and will of Shandar. Sir Jayne Wrath is taking over the title of Praetorian Guard, which was formerly held by Vuel. The Praetorian Guard’s job is to ensure the safety of Shandar. 

Finally, at the end of the Gladitorium, Shandar declared his intentions, with full support from all those present in the nation of Invictus, to take the title of King. The plans for the coronation are to be announced shortly, for some time during mid-spring of the year 1023. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

10 Questions with an Event Holder- Travis Wilcox

1. What events have you previously thrown?

I started throwing events in 1998, and since the 2000s have had 34 events on the books. I threw the Adventure series, Exotic Items, Creatures, & Wares, Carnage on the Mountain, Elwin’s Birthday, four Tournaments of Chaos, helped with the King of Rogues series, and have done smatterings of one-off individual events.

2. What led you to start throwing events?

I started preparations for my first 1998 event back in 1996. I saw that the Realms was a game completely run by independent event holders and not a central committee and thought I could contribute to that, and that people could have fun with the stories I could tell. That was the primary motivator when I was 16 years old and held my first event. Nowadays, after all these years, I have found that there is a certain type of person that enjoys my style of events, and there are enough of them that I want to provide and continue to provide content and give back to the community. I also feel somewhat responsible for keeping all of my magic items backed.

3. What would you like your events to be known for?

I’d like my events to be known for rich plot. A solid interactive world that people can immerse themselves in that causes change in the overarching world. I want players to feel unique and like they are making a difference for good or bad.

4. What aspect of event holding do you consider most challenging?

Asking for help. It is extremely difficult for me to reach out to other people to ask for help. I don’t want to let go of my world or take people away from playing. Most of the people that would help me are the ones that would really want to play.

5. Tell us about an event moment that you are particularly proud of?

At Exotic Creatures, Items, & Wares 2 we were in the middle of a night quest and the rain started up and we muscled through it. The sky opened into an absolute downpour. Turns out there was a hurricane going on and we were getting rain literally going sideways. When I reached out to the players in the middle of the chaos (screaming so they could hear me over the wind) the players all cheered and wanted to continue. They were yelling “We’re going for it!” The story that was being told pushed the players enough so that they didn’t want to quit in some of the worst weather I have ever seen at an event.

6. Tell us about something that went wrong and what you learned from it.

There was one event I had done a call out to NPC’s for one of my events and I had a few hits. I thought I was going to have 4-5 NPC’s that showed up but come the day of the event, all of my staff save for the person running the door, didn’t show. I had to solo 45-50 players with me as the only NPC/EH. What I learned is that I can actually throw an event with just me as an NPC. It was rough, but if you can push the story forward and make adjustments you can find ways of overcoming problems like this.

7. What do you think makes an event site “good” and how have you gone about locating sites?

Good sites are dictated by plot and the event you are planning to throw on it. Tournament sites could be an open park, but questing sites require more. A few open areas. Navigable trails that can be fought on or set up with different props and wall dressings to make it look decent. If you’re doing a feast, you require a solid hall with easy access. No matter which one you do, you need acceptable parking so people have places to be. You can really work with just about anything. Water is nice to have. Access to bathrooms or porta potties is a necessity. To locate them, I usually have asked the community. In 27 years, I’ve never had to track one down on my own. People are a good resource.

8. Have you managed to maintain a balanced budget? Any advice for other event holders on doing that?

Yes. I have lost money at several events, but I don’t lose more than $300-400 dollars max. I usually keep it within a $100 max. Some advice I would give is to remember the minimum amount of people that can show up is 30. Multiply 30 by event cost and that should be your starting budget. The first thing you take out is the cost of the event site. If you have money left over from there, that’s your budget for everything else. If you have a budget in mind, divide it by 30 and that’s roughly what you’ll be charging per head.

9. What staff positions do you feel are essential to running your events and what do you do to help empower and support them?

Lead EH, Head NPC, MM. Those are the required ones for every event. Feastocrat if you’re doing food at your event and anything past snacks. Head Marshalls for tourneys. Head Marshalls are given carte blanche and I let them do their own thing. MM-…I usually do this myself. Head NPC is generally given an overall idea of what expectations are, plot setting, tone, and difficulty/challenge level and you can hand off the role if you have a solid one. Check in with them occasionally. Treat them with respect and know that they are competent in their position.

10. What advice do you have for other Event Holders?

Reach out for help to the rest of the EH community. Everybody has something to offer. If it’s your first event, try to get one of them on staff to help. The experience of having to do EHing can only be gained by trying to throw an event, but you shouldn’t try and do it alone. Also, remember when planning an event to look at the projected future of what’s going to be out there. Too much of one thing is not good for the game.

11. What can we look forward to seeing from you in the foreseeable future?

A lot more of the same. I run my events in a specific/particular way and people have fun with that. I will likely continue to throw this method until people don’t show up anymore or I find something that makes them have more fun. Expect more Exotic Wares plot, and maybe another adventure plot.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Butcher's Beastiary: Kobolds

Hello everyone, it is Jean Baptise, Knight of the steward with an infotainment extravaganza!

Our adventures are almost always violent, and in our age and war we tend to have old enemies, not just ancient forces that threaten us, but common foes that harry our paths. There are hundreds of evil necromancers and dark lords and skeletons still frequently dog our heels.

Hopefully, practice will make perfect, and this guide will inform you on how to identify, exterminate, and eat the threats in your own life.

The first foe is one of the earliest foes for most of us. The Humble Kobold.

Kobolds are recognizable by their yellow hue, their brown tufts of fur, and their doglike yips. Kobolds tend to frequent forested areas, and are pack hunters. They are sentient and capable of making tools, but their conversation skills tend to be limited at best.

Kobolds rarely work for any organization besides other kobolds, and are notoriously territorial, leaping in mass at anything in their hunting grounds they perceive as a threat, which happens to be anything with a sword.

The reason for this is simple. Beyond the fact Kobolds lack the agricultural society needed to learn metalworking and magic, Kobold skin is notoriously fragile, and when cut their bodies tend to… well pop. Their blood pressure isn’t particularly healthy.

Despite this, Kobolds do not hesitate to throw themselves in large numbers at their foes. Theories on this abound. The leading theory is that kobolds simply do not understand pain because any attack that would hurt them simply kills them. Therefore, boldness.

There are also theories that the kobolds that attack us are usually the old and otherwise frail and this is some sort of warrior death situation. Or even that kobolds have a hive mind and they throw their lives away in a beelike “Swarm”, thus even when a kobold dies the “Swarm” survives.

Needless to say, a Kobold is not a threat on its own, but its never actually ON its own. Make sure to show the same bravery as the kobold does. Remember YOU are the apex predator, not it.

Kobold meat is unique in that it can be eaten raw, or rather, since it’s death causes immediate shock to the meat, it self cooks. Kobold meat can be seen as rather tough, but makes for an excellent stew. I personally recommend simmering kobold meat in a pot to create a fond for french onion soup. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What's It Do? What's It Do?

In this continuing View feature, we show you a picture of a theoretical magic item. Then you go back to Facebook and in the comments, invent your idea for the powers that this item would have.

Here is this week's item:


Once you figure out what mystical powers this mug has, come on back to social media and let us know!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, November 4, 2022

Flashback Friday - Events from 2004


Queen of Hearts XI - photo by Doug Fisher

Queen of Hearts XI - photo by Doug Fisher

Queen of Hearts XI - photo by Doug Fisher

Queen of Hearts XI - photo by Doug Fisher

Queen of Hearts XI - photo by Doug Fisher

Queen of Hearts XI - photo by Doug Fisher

Green and Gold - photo by Robyn Nielsen

Green and Gold - photo by Robyn Nielsen

Green and Gold - photo by Robyn Nielsen

Green and Gold - photo by Robyn Nielsen

Green and Gold - photo by Robyn Nielsen

Green and Gold - photo by Robyn Nielsen

Light's Lament - photo by Doug Fisher

Light's Lament - photo by Doug Fisher

Light's Lament - photo by Doug Fisher

Light's Lament - photo by Doug Fisher

Light's Lament - photo by Doug Fisher

Light's Lament - photo by Doug Fisher

Are You Friend or Foe? - photo by Doug Fisher

Are You Friend or Foe? - photo by Doug Fisher

Are You Friend or Foe? - photo by Doug Fisher

Are You Friend or Foe? - photo by Doug Fisher

Are You Friend or Foe? - photo by Doug Fisher

Tangled Webs - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tangled Webs - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tangled Webs - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee


Tangled Webs - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee

Tournaments of Chiron - photo by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee