
Friday, August 4, 2023

Watchers of the Skyless Sea

 Posted at local taverns and crossroads across the Realms, a sheet of parchment with a purple and silver crest emblazoned on the top appears. What follows is a transcription of these messages.


The void is filled with darkness, terrors beyond comprehension, destroyers of worlds, and corruptors of minds. We are the Watchers of the Skyless Sea—our mission is simple: to stand vigil over the void and provide a safe harbor for all who need it. There are many threats to the Realms, and we are here to fill the role that has been left empty for so long.

The Realms is facing many threats—the Erl King, Sir Edwyn Rainecourt, the Lost King to name a few. With no one to watch for these threats, we are helpless to prepare until they start marching down on our doorsteps. We have decided that the Realms can sustain this lifestyle no longer.

The Watchers were founded at Voraniss Court during the Wishing Ceremony, assembled by our leader Sir Jean Baptiste. He called upon us one by one, J’ortsa of Creathorne, Squire Fern Eberhardt, Sir Jericho Axelthorne of Arken, Sir Vesper of Blackwood, Ser Elizah of Blackwood, and Magus James Swift of Stonewood. These seven were chosen on account of their strength of will and overwhelming knack for keeping ones own characteristic. This order was formed to deal with the threat of Sir Edwyn Rainecourt and his knights of destruction. However, we are more than an order to fight one lich, we will seek out any threat that dares to enter our seas. We seek to establish ourselves as an order, and with it, to protect the Realms, our home, from devastation.

We are the Wickies, the keepers of the lighthouse. Our goals are to protect, watch, and alert the Realms of the threats before they enter our plane. We aim to collect and disperse information to better know our enemies. We are seven strong, a collective of unique minds who all share the same goal: to protect and to lead. The Wickies are always true to ourselves, we spit in the face of corruption, and laugh at beguilers who promise power.

            We will protect all members of the Realms. But we will need your help, we require information to understand our foes that are already within the Realms. The Wickies shall stand against the threats of the Realms and never fall away in the face of outside forces.

When the night has fallen, and the stars do not shine.

We are the Watchers of the Skyless Sea.

We Survive.

~ Watcher J’ortsa