
Thursday, August 3, 2023

What You Missed - 16th Annual Tournaments of Chaos

Friday night I traveled to the lands of Sharangil to participate in tournaments over the weekend being run by Celtrex. For me, this is an event that is a yearly staple, and I make it a priority to go. While there were no tournaments to be had Friday night, instead we made our way through the Storm Portal to get to The Dark Isle. The Dark Isle was being overrun by undead, and we were asked to lend our aid. Before going through the portal, we were asked by Swift to aid him in buying some time. He was currently arming some kind of bomb that would specifically target only undead he did not like. 

So buy him some time we did. We arrived to defend his Wizard Tower that was on The Dark Isle and it was being overwhelmed. We fought our way through to the gates, and managed to get inside. From there we needed to defend the gates and not let them through. Wave after wave came crashing against the gates including some more powerful enemies. We managed to maintain them for a while while simultaneously fighting off the undead, and repairing the gates. Eventually they managed to take a couple of us who fell while outside the walls, and they came back to attack us, not much being able to damage them it seemed.

Along with this, an incredibly powerful vampire arrived and began destroying the gates faster than we could repair them. I looked to Swift and complained about how since this is a Wizard Tower, you think that there would be defenses besides us. He claimed that since he was arming the bomb, he could not do both at once. I asked if I could do it, and he gave me control of one of the towers. I rode up on his magic carpet and armed a weapon that could shoot fireballs at the enemies. 

Right then is when the enemy finally managed to break through. We discovered that that powerful vampire could only be damaged by powerful combat magics, so we blasted it with every Fireball and Lightning bolt we could. Eventually Fern got the final blow with a Fireball to the back, and we successfully rendered it before the bomb went off. We left that night triumphant in what we were doing, and managed to bring back those that had turned against us.

Morning came, and with it my favorite part: tournaments. We of course began right away with a chaos ninja battle, one I was not even prepared for so I took the field with only one boot even fully laced up. The rest of the day was spent in the heat fighting the best we could. Daekara had a special drink dedicated to the Chaos Gods and the shenanigans we could get up to for the weekend, and it was quite good.

During the day, there was a practice dungeon set up for anyone that was looking for something to do during the tournaments. It was an impressive set up as a traveling practice dungeon run by a man named Drakanium Cobb. He was a very nervous and unsure fellow, but ran a good dungeon. I got to run through it later in the day with some of my fellow Watchers. It was fun to run through a dungeon and learn more about different ways to approach how to solve problems.

While I ran through the dungeon, we could see Voraniss getting tangled up with a Greater Reaper, supposedly a servant of the twisted Archangel Malthael. Unfortunately, I did not get more info than that to report back about.

Night came and unfortunately the rain did keep us from dealing with the vampire menace Saturday night, but I believe the event is to deal with them at a later time. Instead, we all cozied up to a nice fire and clearer skies later that night to listen to the bardic submissions everyone had. I was unable to attend them myself, but from what I could hear of them, they all sounded amazing!

After a good night’s rest we all took the field in the morning once more for the final day of tournaments. While I personally did not do as well as I was hoping, I had incredible fights that I will remember and learn from. Ultimately Shandar was the one to take the lead and win the most tournaments!

With the tournaments completed, I packed up my stuff and prepared for the journey back to Arken once more to work on things and practice before the upcoming trip to Rhiassa.

Once more, congratulations to Shandar for winning the tournaments, and to everyone else for some awesome fights and a good weekend.

In service to The Realms,

Jericho Axelthorne

Lord of Arken

Watcher of the Skyless Seas

Knight of Chaos

Badass Cardinal of the Church of Chaos