
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

10 Questions with Greg "Daekara" Falconer

 This week we have an interview with Greg Falconer, who plays Daekara (both he/him)!

1) How long have you been playing?
9ish years now. I started practicing at UConn in Fall of 2014 and went to my first event shortly after that.

2) How has the game changed since you've been playing?
The game has put a lot more effort into making great quests, when I started it was a very tournament focused game. The culture has also changed into a much more open place which I think has been great for the community. I see the new players given an environment they feel comfortable stepping up in and its wonderful.

3) Who in the community have you learned the most from?
The people I've learned the most from would have to be King Shandar, Sir Trent, and Sir Gwen. King Shandar has taught me a lot of my fighting skills and how to organize and work with groups, Sir Trent taught me discipline and scheduling, and Sir Gwen taught me a lot about running a kitchen and budgeting out food for an event.

4) What was your best IC moment so far?
My best in-character moment would have to have been at an Ashen Bounty a few years back. It was one of the first quests for which I had done the research to figure out how to kill most of the types of enemies we were facing. Instructing people how to fight creatures while leading the front of the line all day culminated in getting to kill the enemies' champion at the end of the night. Taking the scale mail off him to claim as my own made me feel like a big damn hero.

5) What was your best OOC moment so far?
So my best out of character moment would have to be the at the Coronation of King Shandar. Running my first event as a feastocrat was a huge undertaking, especially with how important the event was to my King and the amount of work that went into it and having a great let us pull through. Hearing the praise and what people loved about the food had me glowing.

6) What would you like to see changed or developed more in the game?
I would like to see individual tournaments and war maneuvers come back more. I miss the thrill of those fights and the adrenaline from the competition.


7) What advice would you give to new players?

Explore how you can bring what you love into the game. Chances are there are other people here who share your interests, and you can do something together that you never would have thought possible before. I've built lifelong friendships this way - doing things I never would have expected before coming to the Realms, and now those side projects have become a huge part of my life.

8) What do you love most about the Realms?
The people, Realms has become a found family for me and outside the game everyone is still friends with each other. The best moments of my life have all been tied to people I met in the game in some way.

9) Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
I would like to see Ben Lacasse's, Ryan Welch's, or Adam Blaisdell's answers. (Editor's note: Here's a link to Adam's 10 Questions interview.)

10) Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to share with the community here?
This community has done a ton with charities and helping each other throughout the years but especially since we came back from the pandemic. I'm proud of all the good work we do and that we came back and endure.


We hope you've enjoyed getting to know a little more about Greg and his thoughts about the Realms! If you'd like to do one of these interviews, just send Pat Bobell (emeraldsaka on Discord) a message to let him know.