
Friday, November 17, 2023

Spell Badly Again Once More

The following text is spells from our Ominbus that have been translated into several other languages before they are again translated into English through a combination of Google Translate, ChatGPT, and

Fighter's Intuition 

Translated to Nepali then to Old English then to French then back to English

This spell should be cast on the person who cannot be bewitched by placing a piece of clothing over the boxer and explaining how it works. That doesn't make boxers a dream. This boxer can now invoke "Boxer's Mental" once. When a boxer does this, he doesn't learn or know anything about the monster he can see. It is up to the pole of the event to decide whether or not to provide this information. The information can be anything: a weakness, a way to lose, or what an NPC likes to eat. If the event pole does not provide any information about the monster, the spell is not spent and the boxer can attempt to use it again.


Translated to Polish then to Tagalog then to Latin then back to English

The connection-one spell makes it harder to wreck the spell caster's body. The next time, if the body of the spell caster gets wrecked, effectively destroying their body will require an additional 200 hits. If only 200 hits happen instead of the full 400, the spell caster must inform the individuals wrecking their body, "the job is not yet done." The spell caster can be under the sway of only one Resilience cast at a time. The use is considered complete when the spell caster receives at least 200 hits wrecking the body, but the effect lasts until the destruction of their body or its resurrection.


Translated to Greek then to Sorani Kurdish then to Ukrainian then back to English

This spell allows the mage to go to EH or MM and ask for protection from the forces that possess his magic. Works only if it is pronounced in the presence of EH or MM. Used for questions like, "Oh please, great huge god/Spirit of Fire/Earl Navel, grant me a quest to find the lost soul of my master, Ser Biff of Bonged Ridge." This spell does not guarantee that EH or MM will simply not hear the request and say "No". This spell cannot create an effect that lasts beyond the end of the event, except for healing purposes. A magician who uses drama and theater has a better chance of success, and simple, small questions also have a better chance of success. Any request that might unbalance the game will likely be rejected outright or assigned an unsolvable problem.


Translated to Japanese then to Norwegian then to Hindi then back to English

This spell allows the wizard to engage in an extended conversation with a light, whether from another planet or a soulless entity. When the wizard notifies the EH or MM of his intention to cast this spell, the wizard must begin the ritual by turning the hourglass. If no light appears in the first three candles, the spell remains uncast. If light appears, allow the hourglass to empty, then turn it again. The wizard and the light are then free to talk until all the sand falls away. If the light remains for more than three minutes, the wizard can continue talking to him. Keep in mind that this spell does not change the behavior of the light, and you have the choice not to speak.

Whether a soulless entity can respond is entirely at the discretion of the EH or MM who must be present during the dance. This spell does not in any way provide knowledge about the issues surrounding the soulless character's death. If allowed to communicate, a soulless PC can still refuse to answer, is not required to speak, is free to lie or tell the truth, and can end the call of light at any time. The PC bound by the light summons must leave after three minutes.


Translated to Korean then to Sanskrit then to Italian then back to English

By this, a spellcaster can generally change the appearance of a humanoid into a demonic form, mostly of their upward proportions. The time required for this transformation is as long as it takes for the player to change into the appropriate demonic attire. The types of demons, especially those above the player, can be chosen. Once the transformation is complete, if a player assumes a new demonic form, the spell Perception will provide a response to this new type of demon. This spell will mimic a miscellaneous demon type, and cannot accurately impersonate a named or unique demon, nor appear to be another PC. However, you are free to try to convince your targe that you are more significant than you actually are.

The altered form does not guarantee any combat advantage or other NPC facility, but it can make it seem like you are wearing sheathing or wielding a large weapon to complete the disguise. You cannot tell NPCs that you are NPCing. The transformation ends when you die or when any part of the disguise is not enchanted.

In addition, at the entrance of the event, players can take the appropriate face from EH or MM to complete the event's illusion. It is not guaranteed that they will be able to provide the ingredients, so you may want to bring them from home.