
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Why I Want to Go to Here Today, Gi Tomorrow: Expedition Omega & Helpful Knowledge for Fighting the Risen Kingdom

By Hannah Boucher and Ryu Goldscale

Why I Want to Go:


This is the Penultimate event in the 10 year long Risen Kingdom plot by the Chimeronian Subnation Rua Thar Cinn (RTC). I have only been interacting with this plot for a year or two, but I have had a blast! These events are challenging, but in a very fun and satisfying way. Now that this questing series is coming to an end, I’m excited to see where the story will go. I am personally very invested in seeing the Risen Kingdom fall. I would like to invite everyone, and I do mean everyone, to join us for this event. It will likely be the most challenging one yet due to its strict time limit and everyone who can come will contribute greatly to our chances of success. 

NOTE: Please be on site BY 10:00AM! The event staff has informed us that there is a very strict very hard start at 11:00AM. Any on site prep, including ritual casting and pre-cast spells, should be completed before 11:00AM.


We have spent the last year preparing for this confrontation and I believe we have a very good chance of winning. Our end goal is to flip 8 portals in 6 hours. It of course won’t be easy, but we are opting for speed over stealth. I have compiled some information to help people get up to speed ahead of time, but please feel free to ask me further questions. I appreciate each and every one of you who has helped us get this far. Lets go kick some Risen Kingdom ass!

Helpful Knowledge for Fighting the Risen Kingdom:

Hi! Do you like fighting? Good! I’ve got a great event for you! 

First things first, heres the TL;DR:

Risen Kingdom (RK) is a bunch of bad guys who are currently occupying a plane called Gi (hard g). They invade other planes and drain them of resources… all of their resources. They tried to do this to the Realms and even built a cold iron road through Faerie but we managed to repel them for a time. We are now working with a research group called the Subtle Thread to make a final push against the RK and destroy them once and for all. 

What’s going on at this event?

We are attempting to weaken the RK by reversing their planar portals. The RK uses these portals to pull resources from various planes into their home base on Gi. Reversing a portal is extremely easy and Sir Orion has been hard at work preparing the proper tools. All that is needed is to touch the tool to the portal itself and it gets reversed. If we reverse enough individual portals, we will induce what is known as a Total Void Cascade and reverse every single portal the RK has and completely drain them of their resources. A research organization known as the Subtle Thread has informed us we must reverse at least 8 individual portals to trigger this. More is better. Unfortunately we have only 6 hours to accomplish this. The RK does not know this is possible, and it will take them approximately that long to find out what we are doing and stop it. 

What enemies will we face?

Write up provided by Griffin Hurana

Void Corrupted Beings - Have void growths on various hit locations, means it has Void Armor

  • Void armor is a layer of floating armor that goes over a creature's normal stats. Some creatures may have additional powers while they have void armor.
  • The amount of Void armor that a creature has is equal to three times the number of Void corruption blobs that are stuck to it. (one blob, 3pts; 2 blobs, 6pts; etc.) While the creature still has void armor, they can only be damaged on hit locations that have a Void blob attached.
  • Void armor counts down instead of up. (Void 3, Void 2, Void 1, Void broken, resume regular armor calls if applicable)
  • To remove a void blob, you must saw at it for 10 seconds with silver (or Reforged Iron) to cut it off. As long as a creature still has void blobs attached, it has a forced 60 second regeneration.
  • If you have Reforged Iron, swinging it at a creature with Void armor immediately breaks all Void armor when you strike it anywhere, not just on a Void blob location.

How to kill void growth things in 4 easy steps:

  1. Get rid of the void armor - Hit the thing in same locations that the void growths are. You don’t need any special weapons to get rid of void amor, just careful aim.
  2. Kill the thing underneath - once the void amor is gone, you have to kill whatever the void armor was on top of, be it Undead, Elemental, or whatever else.
  3. Cut off the void growths with Silver or Reforged Iron - As long as a being has void growths it has a forced 60 second regen. You need to saw at the growths for 10 seconds with Silver or Reforged Iron weapons to cut the growth off. It is recommended to cut off growths that are harder to reach first. Only one person can saw off a specific growth, but multiple people can be sawing off growths at the same time.
  4. Do it again - repeat steps 1-3 until the thing has no more void growths.

That’s really all we know of. Be prepared for new enemies to appear and be different. Sorry I wish I could give you more.


What is Reforged Iron? 

This is a material made from the remnants of the Iron Road the RK built through Fae. It has been worked so that it is no longer harmful to Fae and extremely harmful to RK. All current members of the Cerulean Company have Reforged Iron so seek us out if that material is needed. We will be able to loan out a few extras as well.

What is Void Magic?

Void Magic is a type of magic that uses the Void to alter reality. It is extremely powerful and extremely dangerous. Please do not seek out or use void magic unless you are a qualified individual.

How do I reverse a portal?
Poke it with one of the specially prepared sticks that Sir Orion has made. 

Do I need to go through a portal to reverse it?


What the heck is a Dreamliner?
The Dreamliner Revenge is an advanced ship that can safely carry people Bodily through the Dreaming. It was captured from the RK by Sir Orion and now serves as our method of transportation to other planes.

Can I bring my horse on the Dreamliner? (You know who you are)


Who should I contact for further information?

Sir Orion has been at the forefront of the war against the RK and has the most up to date information about them. You can also reach out to me (Ryu) with questions or any of the other members of Cerulean Company (Bogen, Griffin, and Alias).