
Friday, September 5, 2014

First Impression

"I cannot remember the 1st time I really met Dave. I mean I met Calin. Calin scared the shit out of me when I was new. Huge dude, lots of armor, everyone got out of his way, everyone respected him. Scarey guy!

Over time I got to know him. He is a guy who would bend over backwards for people and for the Realms. He has proven to be one of my biggest influences in the Realms for a number of things; believe it or not lighthearted RP (he can play Calin with a smile and still be Calin), how I want to throw plot and run events and how I have tried to model events I want to throw, how I try to conduct myself with new and vetted players alike.

When he and Carrie would combine their collective creative powers people would (rightfully so) tremble. The level of story they produced for us was amazing.

I hadn't previously thought of it this way but Dave influenced a number of my choices like where I wanted to be and how I wanted to play. His passion and drive to better a community that he helped form is unmatched. He is, as Calin and Dave, the Knight people should strive to be.
There can be no other like Dave Dolph"

.-Bethany Tozier