
Friday, September 5, 2014

10 Questions- Dave "Callin" Dolph

Photo by Angela Gray

(Editor's note- The last person to be interviewed for 10 Question was Leilani Grayson. One of the people she suggested for an interview was her husband Jeremy. When I reached out to him his response was that he would do it, only so he could pick Dave Dolph as the next interview. I immediately reached out to Dave to make sure we'd be able to get this in for this week. Thanks to Jeremy for the suggestion. Don't think you are off the hook for writing up an interview just because I had Dave go before you. - Angie/Phoenix)

How long have you been playing?
1988. 26 years. My first event was the Siege of Rrathchllwyn, an annual field maneuvers and castle siege. Paul/Decion and Niko/Brendan talked me into going. They were part of my D&D group and had been trying to talk me into going for a couple of years. I had heard the rumors of pagan shenanigans, such as sacrificing chickens, so I didn’t wanted to go. However, Paul and Brendan were fairly sane so I figured I’d give it a chance. I went to a few practices and the people seemed normal. As expected, I went and had a great time.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
With our current focus on combat and tourneys, this may sound strange but there is now more magic and role-playing. When I started out the Realms was all about the combat. We were essentially a boffer version of the SCA. After I joined there was a concerted effort to add more spells (we once had less than 5 spells in our system). Every year thereafter we added more spells and spell systems which continues to this day. Back then combat was the focus…that has changed a lot. I feel magic is now the focus and the driving force of events (except for tourneys).

I’ve seen about 4-5 major spell system overhauls. When I started there was no unified magic system. Individual groups could create a spell system that defined spells gained, how they were learned and how they were each cast. Individual event-holders then decided which magic systems to pass per event. When I started in the Realms I was a caster who could wield 2 4’6” weapons and cast spells…as long as I wore white (hence why I always wear the white shirts). I had to quest for each casting of a spell…each casting…so if I wanted to heal a limb I had to quest to cast it once and then quest again for a second casting.

All that being said, the fundamental things are still close to the originals. Combat and martial skill are still relevant and important, with the only difference being that they are not as important as they were at my start.

Who have you learned the most from?
Tardhel/Joe Callahan for how to be a Knight. Jarrod/Jarrod Marshall for how to deal with people and lead. Kugen/Terry Armstrong for how to be uncompromising. Prince Bob/Shannon Slate & Eldritch/Neil Kusleika for excellence and focus in fighting skill. Meg/Kathy Journeay for realizing the importance of chivalry. Shandar/Josh Learned for teaching me I can still learn. Rob Scarlett/Rob for always reminding me not take this too serious.
Photo by Mike Palumbo

What was your best moment IC?
Being personally selected by Tardhel/Joe Callahan to be on his quest team. Being made a Knight of the Eternal Flame. Winning the first ever Champions tourney at Queen of Hearts.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
Playing the Scarecrow…it was so much fun.
Jonas Cooke/Shadowking. I wanted to introduce a bad guy that people knew, could understand. It was a long term plan to introduce him (I was playing him for 2 years before the plot was actually started and he became the “bad guy”). I think overall it worked out.
Cadre. We changed the way people looked at NPCs and how they could interact with the Realms.
Creating North/South War, creating Gold & Green.

I’m actually proud to have been a part of all the things Folkestone has been able to accomplish as eventholders.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
Immersion. Less out of game talk at events (and I know I am guilty of that one). Better garb (Is it really necessary to wear a baseball cap...ever?).
Choices for fighters. Right now, other than figuring out what weapon to bring, there aren’t a lot of things for fighters to decide on when designing a character. I’d like to see perks/minor abilities for fighters. However, this is a complicated issue as there is a need to balance pure martial skill with character abilities. I think/know it can be done.

What advice would you give new players?
Watch and learn. Experiment.

Photo by Angela Gray

What do you love most about the game?
I’m gonna give the standard answer and then the real answer…
The people. Sure that’s the standard answer but it is true. There is a common bond between all of us simply by the choice we made when we decided to come play in the Realms. Playing in the Realms sets us aside from the rest of the world and in that, it brings us together…even when we squabble and fight.
Real answer…fighting/combat.

The first answer is why I kept going to events…the second is where I found my joy.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Jarrod Marshall.

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
If I could leave everyone with one thought it is this…
Make the Realms a better place for everyone.

I don’t just mean you should put some effort/work into the Realms, such as NPCing (which you should still do on a regular basis). No, I mean when you show up to an event as a PC or NPC you should ask yourself what you can do to make it better for someone else, preferably someone that you would gain nothing from for making them have a good time that day. Whenever you interact with another player, try to leave them feeling better for it.