
Thursday, September 4, 2014

What You Missed- Folkestone Questing - Elegy for the Shadow King

      Elegy for the Shadow King                                                                                    Robyn C Nielsen

Photo by Dustin Mack

Lament for a man of good intent,
by himself and others thwarted.
Knighthood and priesthood both were denied him, 

their teachings cruelly hoarded.

Jonas Cooke had a sister true, 
Nadia, dark and brilliant. 
Mentor, ally, kith and kin,
her strength kept him resilient.

With shadow folk he did resolve
to form a kingdom of his own.
His Iron Shades would keep the peace, 

all he needed was a kingly crown.

Tenebrous did procure a crown- ­
to the wrath of noble Chimeron- ­
and the Shadow King’s coronation
was the peak of a day of food and fun.

The brightest thing that shone that day 
was not the crown upon his brow,
but a maid named Karmha Celestine, 

and with a rose he made a vow.

The noble folk of Chimeron
then broke into his steadfast keep. 

They ransacked his belongings,
and accolades and praise they reaped.

The Shadow King was not deterred.
He’d keep his subjects’ spirits high
by embarking on a wondrous hunt ­
but a mountain was raised, and his plans went awry.

Jonas resolved to stand for the small folk, 
whose lords did not protect them.
Wicked Sir K kept his people undead, 

and bandits often beset them.

The town of Najina welcomed the King,
who brought them food and protection,
and the strength of the mighty Shadow Titan 

ensured that his victory was the only option.

Nadia sought to broker a truce,
and was met with assault and aggression. 

She fled the scene to address her wounds, 
but her place of rest was set upon.

Jonas rushed to his sister’s aid,
and valiantly he fought his foes ­
but from behind came vile Sir K
who slayed her with egregious blows.

Betrayed by those whose praise he’d sought, 
The Shadow King on bile gorged.
All must know what ill they’d wrought,
and thus a blight was brewed and forged.

Since humankind was treacherous,
he’d turn them all to loyal shades.
But somehow they surmised his plans, 

and his factory fell to their vicious blades.

Then insult heaped on injury
as they raided his fallen sister’s abode. 

They took the things they wanted, 
leaving Jonas bereft and harrowed.

In no shape to defend himself, 
the King to his Creche retreated. 
His very mind was then attacked, 
and his Titan was defeated.

One bright light remained for him ­ 
his kind, devoted Karmha.
The King arranged to marry her 

And crown her queen of umbra.

He wed but did not bed his bride,
for he learned that she'd betrayed him. 

He killed her dead then turned and fled, 
their wedding turned to mayhem.

The Shadow Plane was plundered 
and a grand melee ensued.
His Iron Shades fell one by one 

and Jonas knew he'd lost this feud.

To save himself from certain death
 he doomed his envoy, Tenebrous. 
The heroes chose to slay the shade, 
even though he had been virtuous.

With little recourse left to him, 
Jonas drained Fate's chalice dry. 
It was his sister's gift to him, 
though its' use she did decry.

Ten thousand shades did then descend 
on the forces of the Realms.
The pendulum had swung his way,
and they were overwhelmed.

But Fate won't gift without a cost
and those who'd died were saved. 

Limbo would not keep them;
the Shadow King might yet be slayed.

The Fates allowed a trial, 
which they would oversee. 
He could either be concerned 
or granted clemency.

Lament for a man of good intent
who was bent to the point of breaking. 

With death now he sets sail,
his plans and his dreams failed ­
the shadow of a king.