
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Resolutions for the New Year 1015 - Part I

[Editor's note: these resolutions are wholly in-character. Responses were gathered in-person during Uncle Cecil's Crazy Tavern.]


For this coming new year, I resolve to....

  • " find school of magic students to protect them." - Baron Diamond

  • " not abandon the Baron to any more tragic fates."  - Meerkat

  • " leave Teng Hua occasionally to socialize with the rest of the Realms."  - Sybil

  • " contribute more to the community." - Imari

  • " have a New Year's year." - Radstar

  • ” be around more (and I think I'll succeed)."  - Rel

  • " treat my squires better, or worse...I haven't decided yet." - Aeston

  • " be around more." - Aymise

  • " win an individual tournament." - Shader

  •  "do more writing." - Kwido

  • "not to burn any more books."  - Sir Sean

  • "work more on knowing when to act and when to think."  - Janus

  • "make money."  - Dodge

  • "attempt more than four gatherings." - Metron

  • "spend less time on land."  - Zamira

  • " eradicate undead in Grimloch." - Jaha

  • "preserve the virtue of young women." - Tallon

  • "scalp more people."  - T.Main

  • "make the Order of the List Invitational." - Squire Taliea

  • "get a Rhiassan kilt, and help someone become a squire." - Kyro

  • "finish my chainmail."  - Charlotte

  • "I don't have a resolution, I'm perfect." - Malaki

  • "try to find stuff that people won't get mad at me for after." - Karmha

  • "finish my second path." - Rubis

  • "take Magnus on 20% fewer deadly walks." - Sasha

  • "make sure to have a pike at all times." - Jace

  • "not hug Umbra, Temorse, or Luke-John unless they want me to. My goal is to talk them in to wanting hugs." - Phoenix

  • "get a clue."  - Borjid

  • "practice my combat skills more." - Kyntela


[Editor's note: this piece marks the first of a potential new series in the View.  In place of Question of the Week, which is driven primarily by comment responses, we are trialing a system wherein we will ask preselected IC or OOC questions in-person at a variety of more socially-themed events throughout the year, and then publish the answers in this manner.]