
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Resolutions for the New Year 1015 - Part II

[Editor's note: these resolutions are wholly in-character. Responses were gathered in-person during Uncle Cecil's Crazy Tavern.]


For this coming new year, I resolve to....

  • "win Champion of Grimloch and Queen of Hearts." - Jayne Wrath

  • "drink to excess, be mean to people who deserve it, and change absolutely nothing about myself because - to heck with you all." - Mestoph

  • "put on three pounds and drink no more Mad-Dog." - Maisey

  • "get a crew before the year is out." - Sayeh

  • "continue to dedicate myself to the one family I give a damn about." - Vuel

  • "emulate Mestoph more." - Jarrod 

  • "re-energize the Knights of the Sable Dragon."  - Guilliam

  • "do more questing." - Kyomi

  • "get back into fighting shape." - Rawlin

  • "surpass Rawlin as the greatest bard in the Realms." - Nos

  • "not kill a squire." - Adara

  • "be a better squire." - Balthasar

  • "spend more time on land." - Tommy Two-Dice

  • "smite more evil, and shop at Jamie's Antiquities." - Vawn

  • "stay married to Nighthawk."  - Gwen

  • "remember, improve, and practice with my new buckler."  - Iawen 

  • "keep stealing Adara's identity." - Adara

  • "find something to do with myself." - Atticus

  • "I don't generally make resolutions, I try to improve every day, not just once a year." ­- Freesia

  • "be a better Auroran." - Laika

  • "lose fifty pounds." - Rillan

  • "be friendlier to everyone." ­ - Umbra

  • "battle my inner demon." - Caleal

  • "to get into the Top Eight at Order of the List Invitational." - Raynor

  • "keep better track of my possessions." - Moriah

  • "not eat babies this year." - Meeble

  • "get into more mischief."  - Yimmit

  • "drink more beer."  - Osric 
[Editor's note: this piece marks the first of a potential new series in the View.  In place of Question of the Week, which is driven primarily by comment responses, we are trialing a system wherein we will ask preselected IC or OOC questions in-person at a variety of more socially-themed events throughout the year, and then publish the answers in this manner.]