
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This Week Behind The Scenes At The View

You know you wanted to hear more of our witty banter and tireless work here at the View, and we aim to please. So here, featuring your View from Valehaven Staff and special guest star, Jason "Aeston" Rosa complete with typos but with minor editing to protect the not so innocent, welcome back behind the scenes.

Post his reading the last "Behind the Scenes at the View where we discussed a contest to come up with a new logo, Jason Rosa reached out to express his concern. 

Jason Rosa- Hey thats my cottage picture! Angela Gray- do you feel like it hasn't gotten enough use for the effort put into it? Jason Rosa- haha, would you ask that about the Mona Lisa??? Angela Gray- are you saying the cottage is the Mona Lisa?? Jason Rosa- I'm not saying it. I'm implying it be weighted with the same artistic merit! Angela Gray- and do you think that is a reasonable expectation Mr. Rosa?? Jason Rosa- Find me an artist that defines themselves as "reasonable" and we'll talk : P Angela Gray- so here is a plan. When we do a contest re-enter the cottage and if it remains the best we'll keep it Jason Rosa- Thats reasonable Angela Gray- I'm saving this conversation

Sometimes we talk about serious stuff

Angela Earle Gray-I got a new ask Syruss in. It is really good but after my what I want to see  changed in the game there is a chance that people will think I put him up to it  but I didn't . It was a total 3rd party question. he gave a solid answer and there will be a gap before we run it
but even I acknowledge it is quite a cooincidence
Alex Newbold-Honestly, I want to know Syruss's answer sooner rather than later
Angela Earle Gray- So it needs LOTS of editing. How about we make a deal and you can see it right now if you edit it?
Alex Newbold-Deal!
Jennifer DeNardis-Rosa- I think it is a common problem. Squires need to feel like there is a goal/ goals they are working towards And they need direction and tasks that help them grow. I think too many Knights take a squire but then don't have a clear plan on what to do with them So the relationship kind of stagnates
Alex Newbold-*nod on all accounts.  But let me add, sometimes the knight intentionally "does nothing" to see how long it will take the squire to develop some initiative and say "dude, what gives?"  But even that can only go on for so long.
Jennifer DeNardis-Rosa- Yeah but I don't know if I agree with that approach. Either the squire showed enough gumption to ask the knight to be squired, or the knight saw something in the squire that he/ she liked. In both those situations, I feel like the impetus should be on the knight to guide the squire
Angela Earle Gray- I think developing initiative is appropriate with certail people at certain times but I've heard too many Knights say it is up to the squire to make the relationship work and in my opinion the Knight has the stronger obligation to try to.(again opinion)
Alex Newbold-  Don't get me wrong, the Knight has a major obligation to keep up their end of the bargain
Angela Earle Gray-or even just know when they aren't. I'm fine if stuff happens, but you can easily ask someone to tag in for a bit. Or Callin gave me a lot of this is what you work on then we do a check in tasks.
Jennifer DeNardis-Rosa- Having a squire is hard tho. It's thought to have someone else depending on you. I am finding that out for myself =p
Alex Newbold- Squires are oddly more work than kids.
Angela Earle Gray- yep and like with everything else you learn by making mistakes as long as your intentions are good and making your best effort, I'd rather see people try than not.
Alex Newbold- Kids need to be fed, clothed, and taught.  Squires have these insane ideas like Expectations of training.
Angela Earle Gray- I think in part it is being willing to ask for help with your squire and understanding you can't teach them everything and don't need to be. honestly one of Steve J's greatest contribution to game in my opinion was that he brought a very systemactic well rounded way of working with squires to it.
Alex Newbold- He did eventually get it right.

The "Ask Syruss" referenced above will be running tomorrow. 

Sometimes Kelly joins us 
Talking about the Nation’s Fair at WPI

Kelly Elisabeth Bonci- It's not a garb thing, is it?
Angela Earle Gray- yea it is ic
Alex Newbold- I'll have my ears on
Kelly Elisabeth Bonci- I want to go, don't know if Jay is up for sitting, and feeling too lazy for garb. But leggings and a tunic is super comfy.
Angela Earle Gray- ok I lied for fun.  I just like to make people show up in funny clothes where other people are dressed normal
Kelly Elisabeth Bonci- You are kind of a dick, ange.
Alex Newbold- Kind of?
Kelly Elisabeth Bonci- I said Ange, not Alex
Angela Earle Gray- admit it when the newbies I told the players meeting is in garb show up you are going to laugh too
Kelly Elisabeth Bonci-Heh. Yup. But it's on you
(note- 4 people actually were in garb so I didn't actually lie)