
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

WIWtG: Uncle Cecil's what ever its called this year Crazy Yuletide Tavern 2 or 6 or 9

Let's get one thing out of the way, this is not my event but I do staff it.  I was not asked to staff, I forced myself in, because this event is so amazing. This event, really the Realms version of the office holiday party, has something for everyone.  Every week, I say something along those lines, because every event-holder really does strive to make everyone happy.  But unless you do not do holidays, joy, and laughter, it really is for everyone.

Here is how this year's festivities are laid out:

- Friday night will be a low key affair of IC chatting, tree-decking, merry-making, and singing.  While we are opening the doors for all, do not expect loads of combat.  Expect snacks, wines, a glorious tree topped with a beautiful shine gourd (what do you mean, you don't know what the shine gourd is? Really?  It's a long-time tradition brought over from Fae.  Ask me later!) and Sir Will is running his casino.  Good times.

- Saturday is chock-full.  Daytime questing and a day-board to munch on, but after the sun sets is when the magic really happens.  Change from your questing gear into your finery (I hear the Order of the Peacock will be looking for Best Dressed) and prepare for... let's see if I can remember everything:
  • Feast (technically not a feast, but you will NOT be hungry!)
  • Drinks (first toast lead by King Cecil!)
  • Father Yule (Were you naughty or nice this year?  Check the list!)
  • Gift Swap (I hope you signed up!)
  • Caroling (Listen or join in, you can't lose!)
  • Auction (charity auction run by yours truly, bring your green and your gold)
  • Dancing (brings joy to many)
  • Casino (it'll make or break your bank)
  • Everyone else is going (no, seriously, it's packed)
  • Heated cabins (first come first serve)
  • Breakfast (hot and delicious - on Sunday!)

I am sure I forgot something.  And the truth is, this is why YOU want to go.  I go because I like the tree, I love giving presents, and I go because of you.